How do I resumé?


Frequent Poster
The Play N' Trade near me is hiring for a repair person to fix game consoles and such.

The dude told me to bring in a resume and said I don't need much more then to write down my expires fixing things and even said I do not need to know everything!

Any suggestions as what I should do here? :mrgreen:
Re: How do I resume?

Basement_Modder said:
Show him some portables/ mods/ whatever you've done.

That is a terrible idea. Look at what happened to his last portable:

Re: How do I resume?

Never mind, then. Just show him that pictre and explain everything WRONG with it and you're hired. :shock:
Re: How do I resume?

It's a RESUME for one thing, NOT a portfolio.
Plus, it's Play 'n' Trade, you don't need to be showing off your mods.
They have on-site training for a reason, they aren't looking for pics or examples.

If you can honestly put down that you've repaired multiple instances of common problems, then great.

Mind you, Play 'n' Trade usually limits themselves to newer consoles.
Fixing an NES means nothing to them.
Fixing a RRoD 360, or a Wii's DVD drive, means a lot.

A resume needs to show past work experience, and a little info about yourself.

Google is your friend my boy.
Re: How do I resume?

The Play 'N' Trade I'm familiar with would most likely actually want someone with experience fixing broken NESs - they deal largely in retro stuff. Even if you were really only mostly familiar with older consoles, that's experience nonetheless, so they'd know you're not totally clueless. Thus, I'm sure they'd be willing to teach you about the newer consoles, too.
Re: How do I resume?

Well ok I did fix 2 Wii DVD drives so I can put that down. :3

I have no real experience with PS3 or 360 though, but the guy said I could just say I am "adaptable" and I am good at learning on the spot.
Re: How do I resume?

Showing off your mods or terrible portables (yes, I did just call 90% of's portables terrible) is an awful idea - they won't want mods, especially not poorly done ones.
Bibin said:
Showing off your mods or terrible portables (yes, I did just call 90% of's portables terrible) is an awful idea - they won't want mods, especially not poorly done ones.
True. All that portables prove is that you know how to take working things and solder onto them using pinouts you found on google.
bacteria said:
epicelite said:
The Play N' Trade near me is hiring for a repair person to fix game consoles and such.

The dude told me to bring in a resume and said I don't need much more then to write down my expires fixing things and even said I do not need to know everything!

Any suggestions as what I should do here? :mrgreen:
People make the mistake when going for a job of not being prepared or not researching, or waffling about irrelevant stuff.

As an idea, phone a couple of other Play'N'Trade stores in your county and pretend to be a customer, say you hear they can do repairs to old consoles, what do they do and what consoles can they repair - then base your resume attributes to what you can do for the new store - also, what systems you can repair that other stores you contacted can't - this might give you an edge.

I never thought of it that way. Perhaps things other than consoles, like LCD screens?
Re: How do I resume?

Bibin said:
Showing off your mods or terrible portables (yes, I did just call 90% of's portables terrible) is an awful idea - they won't want mods, especially not poorly done ones.

Considering 90% of those portables are mine, should I be offended now? Or I can has 10%?
Re: How do I resume?

ShockSlayer said:
Bibin said:
Showing off your mods or terrible portables (yes, I did just call 90% of's portables terrible) is an awful idea - they won't want mods, especially not poorly done ones.

Considering 90% of those portables are mine, should I be offended now? Or I can has 10%?

It would actually be pretty interesting to count up all the POTABELZ from the last year and and see what percentáge belong to you.
bacteria said:
Basement_Modder said:
I never thought of it that way. Perhaps things other than consoles, like LCD screens?

What I mean is for example, they may not do systems like NES for example, or some less popular systems like Intellivision, Arcadia, or whatever; or they may only do consoles and not fix a controller where the rubber pads have become worn or detached and need a little attention. If you can do these other things, in addition to the run of the mill stuff they expect, then you can "add value" to their business as it might mean that other stores can send the work to you to fix, and your store takes a percentage of the profit from the work, which will make your store manager more profitable. For example.

Actually, I would assume they do nes and classic systems because the Play N Trade near me carries tons of older games and consoles. And I think every NES they sell has a new 72 pin connector.
themadhacker said:
Actually, I would assume they do nes and classic systems because the Play N Trade near me carries tons of older games and consoles. And I think every NES they sell has a new 72 pin connector.

They do, which is great. I also love play n trade because they sell pirate systems, like retro duo and the Yobo FC. I may make a Yobo FCp for my second portable. THEN I'll get back to my Gamecube.

Edit- The play n trade that opened 2 months ago I mentioned earlier is getting foreclosed. :(