Holy flux I hate Microsoft right now.

I always was under the impression that these extra keys came from system builders who bought a certain number of keys, used some of them, and sold the rest for profit.
You can be a real dick sometimes, J.D. :/

Anyways, I may or may not have found a solution. My Dad bought a copy of what he thought was Windows 7 Professional 64-bit from the school he works at. Cost $30. I was thrilled until I looked at the disc: Upgrade.

However, there is that unused copy of XP I have. If I can install that, register it, use the upgrade disc, register that, I should be set. That is, if it works like that.

Must research.
I've looked at the upgrades at Best Buy before, and I think it said you can upgrade from Vista without losing your files, but it'll do a clean install if you've got XP. Something like that.
jleemero said:
Yeah, T_W bought his "legit" key on ebay for quite the savings over a retail copy.

Yeah, he bought what is probably the same key a dozen other people did, or quite possibly one from a keygen.
Why I bought my copy from somebody who sent it with the CD. Mine is a genuine copy with the sticker, but it's an ASUS copy. Still a legit full install of 7, though. I got a good price, too; it was only $80, and he usually sold it for less than that. I'm guessing that copies on ebay were going for more money when I got mine, because everybody had to upgrade from RC1 before it expired.

If there's somebody selling a bunch of keys for $20 when the OS is normally more than 5x that, but has no CDs, I'm a little leery of purchasing it.
Just make sure to turn off automatic updates this time and avoid the update called "Update for windows 7" that says stuff about false copies etc. in the description.

Just in case.
Twilight Wolf said:
You can be a real dick sometimes, J.D. :/
I just think it's impossible to not figure out that those license keys were unique :/

You can use an upgrade disc as a retail disc so long as you have ANY WINDOWS LYING AROUND.

For example.

I installed XP.

I didn't even let it boot all the way. I waited until the blue-and-white fullscreen "COPYING FILES" thing finished. I saw the XP logo, and pulled the power. Popped in Windows 7 Pro 64-bit upgrade. Worked fine.

You do not need to do much.
That's the plan, Bibin.

Well, I've been backing up all my custom TF2 content to an SD card, and my drivers/pictures/music to a Memory Stick, in addition to installers for a few extra programs. That's all I really want and need to save; all the games I want to play at the moment I either burned DVDs of or have hard copies of, which means I can get back to TF2 almost as soon as I'm done installing stuff.

After dinner, I'm gonna install XP, then run the 7 upgrade disc.

Wish me luck, everyone.
Thank you, Zet. <3

Well, I am pleased to report I am running a fresh installation of Windows 7 Professional 64-bit right now. No "counterfeit software" warnings, no pop-ups, nothing. Free and clear now.

I'm really relieved now. Thank God this went right.
Just out of curiosity, everywhere I've looked online says that the specific update that installs WAT is unchecked by default. Did you check it to install yourself or was it just auto checked for you?
I probably checked it. It was probably labeled something like a "Windows 7 security update for x64-based systems". It sounded like a good idea at the time! D:
WAT=key checker?

The update was called "Update for windows 7", and the description told you about what it really was.

My computer has tried several times already to install it, where it tries to install updates before shutdown- I always have to uncheck it and then shut down when it does this.
Well, I never saw that.

Even so, I wasn't worried because my copy of Windows had passed all the Genuine Windows checks I had ever run.

Now, however, I have a real real copy of Windows, so I should have no problems now.
snowpenguin said:
WAT=key checker?

WAT = Windows Activation Technologies. Its what the new update installs except it doesn't just check the key; it checks for nearly all known cracks and checks for modified system files.

snowpenguin said:
My computer has tried several times already to install it, where it tries to install updates before shutdown- I always have to uncheck it and then shut down when it does this.

Turn off automatic updates and just manually check updates when the new updates notification shows up.