Help with PSP homebrew


I apologize if this thread has been made a hundred times already, but the sheer volume of information available on the subject is overwhelming. Anyway, I bought a used PSP1000 with firmware version 2.60, which I'd like to use for emulation and such. I've found tons of conflicting tutorials involving everything from Pandora batteries to using some GTA game for whatever purpose, and I'm getting confused fast. What steps do I need to take to be able to, say, play Earthbound on this thing?
Haha, well, Homebrew's changed a lot over time, and lots of methods exist to achieve "similar" results.

Nowadays, the most typical solution is using a Pandora's battery to assist in installing custom firmware. is a GREAT resource, as their downloads section has tons of helpful files. However, their forums went downhill quite some time ago.
I recommend checking out for some help in this regard.
It might take a little work, and will PROBABLY be confusing at first, the end result is well worth it.
Thanks for the help. I assume that means I'll need to build a Pandora battery then. (Was sort of hoping to avoid that as I'm short on money and soldering skill. Oh well.) I've found tutorials that don't even mention it, and each new tut I find seems to be completely different from the last, vague in its instructions and requirements, created pre-2007, and written in broken English. I just don't want to screw up my PSP.

I'd already read Aguiluz's thread in the stickies, but will give it another look. His PSP was a later FW version though, does that make any difference? I'd read through the psp-hacks forum as well (even tried using one of their tuts but got stuck), but have yet to post a thread there. I'll do that next, but wanted to try here first since you guys seem very knowledgeable about this type of thing.
There's a small chance, if you're willing to put in the effort needed, that you could exploit the fact that you have such a bloody old FW Revision.

While the Pandora method will work fine with yours, many older exploits will too.
I believe there are some kernal-mode exploits that will work on yours without a pandora battery. If that were the case, you could then install custom firmware from there.

Really though, there's no guarantee in that regard, and I wouldn't bother.
A Pandora battery is easy to make, so are JigKick's (a Software-based Pandora Battery).
Plus, you can buy Pandora batteries for bloody cheap, less than $10 without difficulty.
There are PLENTY of things that will take advantage of the old FW and let him install a CFW. I would help link to some, but mobile phones have their disadvantages. I think a good one is CFW v.5.00 M33
Jidan said:
There are PLENTY of things that will take advantage of the old FW and let him install a CFW.

Anything anyone can link to that would help would be great. I'm pretty terrible at soldering (shaky hands) and don't want to end up waiting two months for DX to ship a $6 item that I'm not 100% sure how to use anyway... Though I suppose that would be plenty of time to familiarize myself with the process.
Honestly the best way for you is, as someone mentioned earlier, is to use the TIFF exploit found in firmware 5.03. Below is your best bet with getting your PSP all homebrewed up. ... ost1181187

I would recommend going ahead and ordering that pandora battery though, it will allow you to unbrick your PSP in the very unlikely event that something should go wrong. Pandora batteries is also the quickest way to flash a PSP and very useful if your friends want in on the homebrew action.
Aha! The TIFF exploit worked perfectly. Now I just need to figure out how to actually put games on this thing...

Thanks everyone for your help. Consider this problem resolved.
That's great!

Be sure to check out the rest of modretro, You might be interested in staying ^^,
Oh, I've been a lurker on here and BH for a while. Someday when I have more free time, I'd like to build a clone NES or N64 portable. I've been very slowly collecting parts for that for about a year. I just haven't had a whole lot to say until now. Anyway, I'm blogging now, so let me just say thanks again for all the help.

Games work fine btw. :)