i just took my gamecube mobo out of the case and plugged it all in and it was working fine. i went out for dinner come back and turned it on and now i get nothing !

Check your power cable first. Is it producing 12v? It could have shorted out. In that case, you need to leave it unplugged for a little while. If that's fine, check the regulator voltages. Pinouts are available all over the forums so you can check that it's producing 5v, 3.43v, and 1.9v. Those are the three voltages that should be coming out of it. If those are fine, check for short circuits on any main voltage lines in your current setup. You'll want to see if there's a clear connection between ground and 5v, ground and 3.43v, or ground and 1.9v. Just make sure to do that when it's off. If there's a connection, which means a short circuit, your meter will read 0 ohms of resistance. If you're testing continuity on the meter, it probably should beep between ground and 1.9v. There is normally about 36 ohms between ground and 1.9v (more or less), which is okay. If you find a short circuit anywhere, there could be a hundred reasons why it's happening, and it would be best that you take some pictures of the board and your setup so we can get a look at it.
Since the fan is running, the next step is to check the regulator voltages. The problem could be the regulator's fuse; maybe it blew out.