

Frequent Poster
I have not been on and will not be on often due to my depression.
I have felt like flax due to everything.

People I owe:

People that owe me :
Thursty owes me an n64p.
If anyone "Homosexuals" up this thread, I will delete your post.

Mainly because Bo owes me $500.

Power abuse? Probably. :p
BoFoSho =

Bo, for the LAST TIME, I don't owe you A THING. You willingly agreed to the terms of our trade, though I admit I didn't give you a good deal in any sense of the word, you agreed to it, and it was finished. That's life, deal with it.

Message subject: Re: n64pFolder: Sent messages
Hey bo, Remember when I told you I was having problems with the n64 i was using?

Yeah it is dead, no matter what I do it doesnt come back to life lol

I'm going to need a new one, I think Jlee has them for like $7 a piece.

Oh and by the way, I have 2 new commissions coming up, So things will get a little more hectic, You wanna take this over?

Message subject: Re: n64pFolder: Inbox
what do you have wired so far? if you can show me how to wire the buttons and rgb then sure.i might see if ss can help.also can you send some wiring diagrams,the old shoulder buttons (for my next portable),smash bros and if you can yoshi story ,also can you leave everything that is wired so far wired so i can try to understand

Any other problems?
Sent: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:14 pm
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Message subject: Re: n64pFolder: Sent messages
Everything is comepletely wired. Its just that the n64 board is dead and needs to be replaced, The controller is wired and ready to be put in, except for the fact that you need to lengthen the 6 wires to the Joystick. The R+L buttons are already in the back, and I will make a Diagram to show you how to wire a switch to switch between L and Z, But yeah everything is ready, just needs to be put together.(Plus redo the cart slot relocation)

No other Problems
Sent: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:20 pm
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Message subject: Re: n64pFolder: Sent messages
You are absolutely sure that you want to take over this project?

If yes, then I will get it shipped out to you tomorrow, and will provide support when needed.

And yes I do need your address.
Sent: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:20 pm
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Message subject: Re: n64pFolder: Inbox

100% Sure
It's practice for my next portable
My Shipping info is:

Sent: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:27 pm
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Message subject: Re: n64pFolder: Inbox
Ok i'll keep you posted on how the N64p is going once i get it
Do you need my address again?
Sent: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:19 pm

Yours and my words, Read them, You agreed, I agreed, It was over then and there when It arrived at your doorstep. So Please kindly STFU.
Message subject: Re: n64pFolder: Sent messages
Everything is comepletely wired. Its just that the n64 board is dead and needs to be replaced, The controller is wired and ready to be put in, except for the fact that you need to lengthen the 6 wires to the Joystick. The R+L buttons are already in the back, and I will make a Diagram to show you how to wire a switch to switch between L and Z, But yeah everything is ready, just needs to be put together.(Plus redo the cart slot relocation)

It wasn't when it got there.
βeta said:
Message subject: Re: n64pFolder: Sent messages
Everything is comepletely wired. Its just that the n64 board is dead and needs to be replaced, The controller is wired and ready to be put in, except for the fact that you need to lengthen the 6 wires to the Joystick. The R+L buttons are already in the back, and I will make a Diagram to show you how to wire a switch to switch between L and Z, But yeah everything is ready, just needs to be put together.(Plus redo the cart slot relocation)

It wasn't when it got there.
So that matters? Why do you even care Beta? Sheesh. It wasn't even shipped until march, as seen here:
Message subject: Re: CaseFolder: Sent messages
Hey bo did you ever get to ship? Yours was shipped lol should be there in a few days or so.
Sent: Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:59 pm
I'm sure things had changed between those earlier PMs, and the times in chat. But the fact that he took over the project never did.

Also, i do not owe you an N64p, You finished it.


BoFoSho said:
It is done, I will get pics once my god Dang sister gives me back my webcam.
Works great and I finished it before midnight so I WIN! :awesome:
Whatevery thursty, you still owe me because the item did not come as described.

J.D pming you now.
I do not, because of how you obviously were satisfied with the item, and mentioned nothing until months after the incident when you only wanted something from me, IE my PS3 that I was selling.

You can think I owe you whatever you want, It's not changing a thing. You accepted, I accepted, Hence It was completed and done. You received what we agreed on a Case, Batteries, Wired up controls, a faulty screen, and a copy of super smash brothers(Which, mind you was my ONLY one) I was trying to give you as much as I could with my limited resources, and you didn't complain about it until now, which is BS and you know it.