Hello ModRetro!


No Stranger To Love
Hello community of ModRetro! I have a couple questions.

So is this like a BenHeck alternative? Most of the members here are from BenHeck.
And is this site new? I've never even heard of it before clicking on Bacteria's IntoGrafx on his Sig on BenHeck 8)
J.D said:
Hello community of ModRetro! I have a couple questions.

So is this like a BenHeck alternative? Most of the members here are from BenHeck.
And is this site new? I've never even heard of it before clicking on Bacteria's IntoGrafx on his Sig on BenHeck 8)
Those are very personal questions! But, did you read the site header, thing? It says, "Why reinvent the wheel, just improve it!" Which means, this is an improved benheck.
well youare not thew average pushy rude noob, so I will give you that. You are the kind of noob who will listen and learn. Kind of like what I was the first two months I was a member at benheck.
Literally? Will you actually not let them be on this forum? If so, I'll be the lonely noob...but soon I will be like the Shockslayer of the NES!
Basement_Modder said:
Thats why I didn't want benheckers to know about this. Now noobs know.

:( Hey, I'll improve. Slowly. Maybe it's time I buy Ben's book. Hopefully it isn't like a programming book and you're like "WTF is this flax?" Maybe my brain thinks differently from everyone else.

To be clear: no "n00bz".

However, "newbs" are allowed. There is a massive difference. ;) If you are willing to learn, no problems! It is the people who refuse to learn, search, or post coherently and bump ancient threads that need to worry. ;)

This forum is pretty new, it was essentially started as an alternative to benheck forums that is hopefully a bit improved.

Wait till we get our ad revenue sharing system working, then we will really have an advantage. :P

Ben's book is good to have around, I suppose, but keep in mind the methods used are way, way outdated, and you can find all the info around here, anyways, and more. Plus, the book has quite a few errors, including a few fatal ones in the NES and PSone sections.
Oh, alright. I need to look up how to solder, how to hook up screens, ect. because if I ask people will say "GTFO NOOB LOOK IT UP YOURSELF" Basement Modder or maybe I'm just too used to BenHeck.
Ben's book tells you how to do that much, at least. It also gives you a good lesson about electronic components and the like.
J.D said:
Basement_Modder said:
Thats why I didn't want benheckers to know about this. Now noobs know.

:( Hey, I'll improve. Slowly. Maybe it's time I buy Ben's book. Hopefully it isn't like a programming book and you're like "WTF is this crap?" Maybe my brain thinks differently from everyone else.

I wasn't talking about you, but I mean now the bad type of noobs may join.
J.D said:
Literally? Will you actually not let them be on this forum? If so, I'll be the lonely noob...but soon I will be like the Shockslayer of the NES!
Too me, there are beginners, and there are noobs. Noobs are pretty much idiots and rarely graduate to become worthwhile. Beginners, on the other hand, come in without experience but are here to learn and not act like idiots.