Hello all!

Wow! How do you put up with all this, Tibia?! Just kidding guys :) It's my fault I think. I brought up that I was a girl in the first place. Oops!

XCVG, I don't write like this all the time (you should see my text messages) but the rules said to write correctly. I'm trying my best, thanks for noticing! :)

I spent a lot of time today reading the basics. Thanks for being so welcoming everyone!
Check out the wiki too! It's still a work in progress, meaning I waste a lot of time copying information into it. The N64 and SNES sections are mostly complete. The NES section is kind of complete and the Genesis section is in-progress.
grossaffe said:
qerkdtx said:
I find it funny how almost every person is jumping on the fact that shes a girl. I mean if any random person said there new you would only say welcome.
the leg-humping is not nearly as bad here as I've seen in other places.
I could make it worse! :awesome:
DNT 2.5 said:
grossaffe said:
qerkdtx said:
I find it funny how almost every person is jumping on the fact that shes a girl. I mean if any random person said there new you would only say welcome.
the leg-humping is not nearly as bad here as I've seen in other places.
I could make it worse! :awesome:
just try it and see what happens. :banstick:
lady_fingers said:
Wow! How do you put up with all this, Tibia?! Just kidding guys :) It's my fault I think. I brought up that I was a girl in the first place. Oops!

Actually, I tend to only read about a third of the threads, reply to even less, and keep my time in the chat to a minimum. lol

So what's your big interest in gaming? I like to collect the different systems, but my playing tastes are rather ecclectic. I've always been into building, fixing, and making things, so modding's a logical step. I did go over to that girlgamer.com site, but it really wasn't the kind of community I'd hang around. Just not my thing.
Hello, lady_fingers! If you got anything to sell, trade or buy, check out the Junkyard. We have everything!

*Shameless plug*

Right, Tibia?