Hello all!

I'm new here... and to the modding community in general, I guess. Any other females on here or is it all just teenage boys? :lol: just kidding.

Hopefully, I can contribute in the future, but for now I'll just be learning.
Hello! Nice to get a little more gender diversity around here! We have one other female- Tibia.

Do you have any mods planned for the future? A portable perhaps?

EDIT: If you're not busy, I suggest you come and visit us in the chatroom- it's always fun. It can be found at the top of the home page.
haha You guys just made me laugh! At least there's ONE other. I tried the chatroom and its not exactly working for me on my dumb computer :( I'm sure I can figure it out.
It says something like "XML Parsing Error..." Have you ever heard of something like that?

Oh, and I'm not even sure what console I would want to do. I haven't even thought that far ahead! I think I can find my brother's old Genesis. I played that thing so much! All I have now are newer systems and I wouldn't know where to start with it being so complicated. Maybe after I learn more.
I'm also working on a Genesis. It'd be good to read up on the threads in the Sega forum, and to check out gamesx or benheck for some info. Genesis doesn't really get a lot of love nowadays, hopefully you give it a go when you fell you're ready.
Welcome, I own modretro. I think you are lying, because everyone knows there is no such thing as a girl on the internetz. :P

Hope you stick around! Out of curiosity, where did you hear of us?
OoOo the big guy in charge! I was at a site called girlgamer.com and I read someone was mentioning people modding their consoles. They were talking about a site called acidmods. Anyway, I was bored and remembered it and so I googled for a PSOne portable and there was a picture of a white one by bacteria and then I tried to go to his website but it didn't work. So then I searched a little more and found another PSOne portable he did, but it was red and it took me to this site.
Ha! So we can be found with google! :lol:

Welcome to modretro, lady_fingers! Don't worry if people expect a lot from you modding wise. It isn't every day that a new person joins and knows how to spells things correctly. :3

As far as bacteria's portables go, he made the psone and then the red one was a turbografix 16/ PC engine portable. Perhaps that is what you saw?

Anyway, as far as modding goes, where are you? Can you solder? If not, we have linked a few tutorials in the general modding section.

I hope to see a great Genesis portable someday... :awesome:
PalmerTech said:
I think you are lying, because everyone knows there is no such thing as a girl on the internetz. :P

This would be why females tend to disappear. The same joke 150 times a day does get old. lol

Anyway, welcome, lady_fingers! I looked at acidmods.com once, but I couldn't read anything with their odd color scheme and ginormous signature images.

As for a portable, a Genesis portable would be awesome, and not too difficult to begin with. If you're still learning how to solder, you could start by changing the power LEDs in your systems for different ones, or soldering regular AV jacks into a console that needs its own cord. Fun little projects like that are really great for practice. Enjoy the place!
It's not the fact that you are a girl that I noticed first, it was the proper spelling and grammer.

Okay, the Genesis shouldn't be that hard. Most people use a clone or a Genesis 3 or a clone, but it would be interesting to see one using a Genesis 1 or 2. Those are huge though, so your best bet is the Genesis 3. You will also need a screen, lots to choose from. Most people use the PSone screen, which is 5" and takes composite and RGB. It's nice but I can't find any locally, and none cheap online. Really, any screen that takes composite in will work; I'm using an Intec Wii screen for my YAP64/2. You will also need a case. There are a lot of options. You can buy a premade case from Polycase or another company; some people call these uncreative but they are relatively cheap, work great, and can look good with not a lot of effort. There's frankencasing, where you glue and Bondo things together into a case; usually it starts with something resembling a case. Vacuforming is a great technique, you can get any shape you want (within reason), and it makes a nice case. Unfortunately you have to build a vacuum table and it can be cheap or expensive depending on how good you are at salvaging things. Lastly, you can build a case from plastic or other materials. Usually acrylic (Perspex or Plexiglass) is used because it is relatively thin, relatively strong and easy to glue and paint. Wood can look nice but is difficult to use and requires a lot of skill to do right. You will probably also want batteries; Li-Ion or LiPo ones have become the standard- we used to use Ni-XX or even alkaline cells but Lithium ones are a lot better.

Of course, you will need some tools. A soldering iron for sure, get a 30W or so electronics one. I wouldn't recommend a cheap one, I have a Weller WP25 and it's a lot better. But if you are just starting out and not sure, or on a budget, it's only $9 or so into the trash when it breaks (and it will, one way or another). You will also need solder (of course), and a desoldering tool. I use a desolder pump and it works great. Some people buy a desoldering iron or solder braid. I can't say about the iron but the braid doesn't work for me. Apart from those tools you will need wire strippers (the cheap kind is fine, you don't need auto adjustment or a lot of little holes), small needle-nose pliers, and some screwdrivers. For casemaking you will need at least an x-acto knife, hacksaw (smaller is better), files (mini ones are essential), and sandpaper. A Dremel tool, drill and bits are useful as well. Some people use bandsaws and drill presses but it's not necessary.

Confused enough! Great! Oh, and welcome to ModRetro!
I find it funny how almost every person is jumping on the fact that shes a girl. I mean if any random person said there new you would only say welcome.
qerkdtx said:
I find it funny how almost every person is jumping on the fact that shes a girl. I mean if any random person said there new you would only say welcome.
the leg-humping is not nearly as bad here as I've seen in other places.
qerkdtx said:
I find it funny how almost every person is jumping on the fact that shes a girl. I mean if any random person said there new you would only say welcome.
Took the words right out of my mouth :rofl: