Generic64 worklog


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am doing like everyone else :sweat: I am building a n64 portable that im calling Tapio64.

It wont be anything special, no rcp wiring, trimming or such. I wont even relocate the cart slot, the cart will just stick out of the back. I am using a 3.5" ebay screen.

This is what I have done so far:
-Removed expansion port and resoldered cart slot
-Wired up PTH08080 for 3.3v
-Wired up my amp and added volume pot
-Reinforced the top of my case, put in botton holes
-Cut of D-pad part of the controller

I have pretty much everything I need, exept batteries. I can't buy from batteryspace, since the shipping would cost three times the batteries (I live in Sweden). So I was looking at some of the places with free shipping and I found these batteries on dealextreme
They have a built in protection circuit. I know they need a smart charger and found this on ebay.
140.jpg ... 4ab4c6dc14
Will this setup work? I don't mind if it just gives me a hour of playtime.

This is my case so far. It needs a lot of sanding :) . The Z and R will go on top

Total cost so far: 380SEK (around USD57 or 42 Euro) :D
Re: Tapio64 worklog

How come you resoldered the cart slot but didn't relocate it?
Re: Tapio64 worklog

ProgMetalMan said:
How come you resoldered the cart slot but didn't relocate it?
I removed the expansion port and put the cart slot back. The cart slot is connected to the N64 through the expansion slot so I just bent the cartslots legs outward and soldered them to the expansion slots holes.

The reason i didn't relocate is that i don't want to deal with 48 wires :wink:
Re: Tapio64 worklog


Here is my case.

Originally I was going to paint it green, but then I found a can of black spraypaint at home and decided that buying the colour you want is overrated. Now its black and the name Tapio64 does not really fit anymore. I will just name it Generic64 because it will just blend in with all other N64 portables. :)

This is the back of my case with Z and R buttons on top and the hole for the cartridge. The reason I chose this case was because the case looked like it was curved the same way as the L and R buttons. :D

Also, does the RAM-chip need much cooling? My case is very roomy and the chip does not feel that hot. Does the heat vary depending on the game and will it be fine with just a thin piece of metal?

All I have left to do is shorten wires, make holes for speakers and 12V adapter thingy and secure everything. And of course cut the vent and paint the back.
I do not have any batteries to put in and shipping will take long so it will be wallpowered to begin with.
Re: Tapio64 worklog

At the very least you need a heatsink on all the chips, including on the expansion pack if you use one.
Re: Tapio64 worklog

I wouldn't really recommend batteries from dealextreme, usually the mAh is a lie.
Re: Tapio64 worklog

Thanks everyone! I just heatsunk my N64 :D

The heatsink on the RCP might be a little overkill, but it was the smallest I could find. I also cut the vent hole in the back. I might be able to "finish" this tomorrow, but it won't have any batteries. Even if the batteries I linked are not that actual amperage, more like 2000mah, how much playtime would that give me? And does anyone know if the charger would work?

Anyone know how I can change the name of the topic?
Thanks bud

My N64 just evolved into a not so pretty but finished semi portable! :mrgreen:

I wanted to finish this today because tomorrow I will be leaving on a schooltrip to Poland. Too bad I don't have batterys, otherwise I would bring this to play on the 23 hour long bus drive.

This is the back of the unit with the cart slot and ventholes. I know I should have sanded smooth but I really wanted to finish this today. On the bottom there is speaker holes, volume knob, 12V in port, player 2 (wich doesn't work for some reason) and another set of speaker holes.

And with a game inserted

It can even play the games!

There is still room for batteries. I just have to get some, wich will take like a month :)
It's a spam-bot. Don't reply to them or you'll piss off mods.
A good way to tell is by the shady links in their sig advertising crap, and a jumble mess of an advertisement.
This portable will soon be disassembled to become parts for a new one. I made this video to remember my first portable :wink:
You may not understand what I'm saying since I speak swedish in the video, :mrgreen:

I can't embed no mather what i try, so here's the link
It's big, ugly and lacks features like batteries.
Plus it was more fun building it than playing :rofl: