Garrys Mod help


Active Member
I keep trying to download Garrys Mod after downloading the free Portal game because it uses the right engine but it keeps saying that I cant buy the game because I dont have the right game engine. Please help!
This is obviously a Steam-related issue that none of us can fix. Post on the Steam forums or contact Steam Support, but it might very well be intentional.
Zero said:
but it might very well be intentional.
i doubt that. it is probably because steam goes by purchase records. since you didnt purchase portal, it wont work. if all else fails, HL2: DM is 5$. :wink:
samjc3 said:
Zero said:
but it might very well be intentional.
i doubt that. it is probably because steam goes by purchase records. since you didnt purchase portal, it wont work. if all else fails, HL2: DM is 5$. :wink:

Its actually very possible. They did the same when they gave out HL2: Deathmatch. It might have been an unintended glitch at first, but it probably isn't on their priority list of things to fix.