Gamecube Sound Problem :/

Everything on the cube works, but the sound is really static-y where you can't even make out anything thats going on. I relocated the power board 3 times now and still getting the same problem. I even tried connecting 12 volts to the little component as seen here

I can't figure out what to do :confused:

I can't continue the project until I get the sound working....

Please help me if you can :)
That's what happens when voltage gets to where it's not supposed to. The best thing to do is just get a new board. If you feel like doing it hard core, you could do a chip-transplant. :)
You didn't identify what "chip", or why anyone should get a new board just because of sound problems. Kinda quick to jump to money-spending conclusions, buying a new mobo should always be last resort if you can't solve a critical problem. If there is an issue and something is not fried or damaged then it's probably solvable, you didn't even bother with the basic methods of trouble shooting. :stare:


First, what are you using to test your sound with? TV, handwired audio amp, psone screen amp?
Second, what power source are you using, batteries or the original adapter?
Third, have you tried disconnecting any mods you have done to it to see if that fixes the problem?
Fourth, pictures?
Fifth, have you trimmed the board? Check for shorts on the sides where you trimmed, occasionally internal traces can split off and bridge and short and make GC go sadface.
