GameCube component hardware


Well-Known Member
All topics related to this are old, and the rules forbid me to bump them, so I figured I'd make a new topic.

I'm making plans for my next portable (before starting my first) and I am absolutely determined to have 480p component video quality in that portable. The cheapest I can find the dang cable online is $150 without getting into that bidding crap! I've seen all the old topics about some people designing and producing a very limited number of their own component video boards with this B012355 chip. Are those all over and done with?

If anyone knows anything about getting component video hardware for my portable GameCube for a reasonable price that's worth paying, please let me know. It means a lot to me to have one of those legendary boards!
The only thing you need to make lots of these component boards is one original one and lots of b0[...] chips.

Just make the diagram out of the board and it is done. Making the pcb is kinda easy.

I think that mega is actually making some but Im not sure.
But locating the chips is not exactly easy, right? I'm not the best at scouring the web for things, and I've found nothing.

EDIT: I don't know how to move posts, but I created a new one in the Junkyard. Can someone delete this topic? Thanks!