The other day I was thinking to myself "how great would it be if someone could manage to connect a Gameboy to a computer via link cable and take true advantage of emulation" games such as pokemon use the link cable to transfer pokemon and also battle. As I began to look for projects attempting this I found this site This site has many different schematics to interface your gameboy to your PC (scroll down to the Gamelink section). This gave me hope in creating such a useful tool. I figured the GBA link cable would be a better choice for this because it has GBA and GB capabilities. So does anyone know 1. How these projects work. 2. If the GBA and GB cables use the same data. 3. If it would actually be possible to interface with an emulator.
If you know anything on the subject please tell me as I would like to be something done about this.
EDIT: Also thought this would help on the emulation end of things
If you know anything on the subject please tell me as I would like to be something done about this.
EDIT: Also thought this would help on the emulation end of things