Free C&C gaemz! :0

What the Heck are "gaemz?" :neutral2:

Oh, wow, free C&C games? I've always been interested in the series. Might as well check it out!
I remember buying the original C&C when it came out; used to love that game.
*Can'tSayThisOnTV*, I paid for both Tiberian Sun and Red Alert. They were both outdated and cheap at that time, but I still had to buy them.

Sadly, after playing Red Alert 3 the older games have lost their appeal to me.
XCVG said:
*Can'tSayThisOnTV*, I paid for both Tiberian Sun and Red Alert. They were both outdated and cheap at that time, but I still had to buy them.

Sadly, after playing Red Alert 3 the older games have lost their appeal to me.

But RA3 is *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing awful. :confused:
So liek, I shat brix.


Srsly tho, u guys should play, in Red Alert there is a secret campeign where you fight giant ants.
Then in C&C there is a not-so-secret one where you fight dinosaurs.

I am not joking.
Holy flax! The similarity is astounding! Even the triangular detail things are there!