Frankencases worth getting for portablizing!


Frequent Poster
The D-link DIR-615 is excellent for frankencasing.
My first N64p that I never finished used a Verizon DSL router as a case:



Not the final coat of paint, that is just a quick coat of primer.
And how much did it go for? (I'm thinking about selling my old one because I can't force myself to throw it away, and it's supar ugly) And smaller than a ZN-40? Would you be interested in commision?
I sold it for $30 cash and a box full-o-vintage handheld gaming stuff. :mrgreen: gameboys and such.

Yes, I am up for commision. What you thinking?
bacteria said:
I'm using my Datamax in my next project! :D (looks very retro and dated, as I want for the GX4000 - my own cases are modern in contrast).

I'm using mine for my first portable too! It's nothing special, but it works for me. Here are some pics for reference:



bacteria said:
Ah, I haven't opened mine up yet, nice to see it is roomy inside.

I'm going to try to keep mine quite intact - keep the side grips (nice to hold) and not cut the middle recess, assuming I have space for the console board and the PSone screen and board behind.

I don't see your worklog on our site yet??

Mine's not here either, though you may notice that I have not, and will not, update the Benheck one.

BTW, neverused, that looks really great! :D
bacteria said:
Ah, I haven't opened mine up yet, nice to see it is roomy inside.

I'm going to try to keep mine quite intact - keep the side grips (nice to hold) and not cut the middle recess, assuming I have space for the console board and the PSone screen and board behind.

I don't see your worklog on our site yet??

There really hasn't been on yet...
neverused said:
bacteria said:
Ah, I haven't opened mine up yet, nice to see it is roomy inside.

I'm going to try to keep mine quite intact - keep the side grips (nice to hold) and not cut the middle recess, assuming I have space for the console board and the PSone screen and board behind.

I don't see your worklog on our site yet??

There really hasn't been on yet...

As a side note, the Datamax can easily hold a ps2 slim. I had one I just took out of the case and dropped in there, but I was too lazy to figure out the cd tray/ lid problem. :ashamed:
neverused said:
As a side note, the Datamax can easily hold a ps2 slim. I had one I just took out of the case and dropped in there, but I was too lazy to figure out the cd tray/ lid problem. :ashamed:

Just have the disk exposed on the back like on the Palm PSone. If it worked for him, it can work for you. :thumb:
Unfortunately I'm too much of a perfectionist for that. If I make a PS2p, it'll need a lid/cover at the very least.