Fierce64 Worklog DONE


Active Member
I'm not making a log of my first one, because it's almost done and it would be done if my paint wasn't being .

The Fierce64 is going to be as small as I can make it. I'm not necessarily going for worlds smallest, but I want a really small portable for myself, and
βeta said:
making one smaller than the TSF actually isn't that hard.
So, if it's worlds smallest, cool. Although I am using SO many things that other people discovered, or are other peoples ideas.

Expansion pak(ramswap)
Dpad and L
3.5" eBay screen
5000mah Batteries
(Hopefully) stereo audio.
RCP wiring


Rough dawing of the front with measurements(My mobo will just fit if I RCP). The dashed line is for if I cut the side and wire the CPU to the RCP. The measurements are not counting the thickness of the plastic.

I'm going to use a Dpad as C buttons and a multi directional tact as a Dpad. Quick question- How do you make a multi directional tact look good? I saw Mario had a cover for one I think in his 364.
Also using a PSP analogue stick(thanks to Mario for the pinout)

My mostly trimmed mobo(boring)

The wires from the CPU to the RCP are for if I cut the board on that side, and I still have like 8 more traces to rewire.
I may or may not cut all the way up to the pins on the U8


Nothing is definite, just ideas and planning.
Re: Worklog for my 2nd n64p, the [InsertNameHere]

I think you should name it the "mint64" after linux mint. Looks great so far! Can't wait!

- mymixed
Re: Worklog for my 2nd n64p, the [InsertNameHere]

Now THAT is what a *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing trim job looks like.
Re: Worklog for my 2nd n64p, the [InsertNameHere]

I love it when newcomers show off the goods :awesome:
Re: Worklog for my 2nd n64p, the [InsertNameHere]

Thanks for the comments, but what the Heck is lynux mint?

I have and idea about trimming my expansion pack since I'm too lazy to rewire it. I'm thinking of cutting the grounding pins on the top of the chip, and bending it down, then trimming up to the caps on the other side, unless I don't need them/can move them. It will also let me cool both sides of the chip, so I won't have to worry about it over heating at all.

Suckish Diagram:

The expansion pack is supposed to be already mostly trimmed in this pic, and the red line is about how much more I will cut off. It only saves my a couple mm, but for thickness, it's worth it.

Questions- Is there some reason why this wont work? Also, what are the components on the back of the board and do I need them; I know there are caps, but what are the other ones?

Edit: Never mind, it was is the mega sticky, I guess I didn't read all of the guides there.
Re: Worklog for my 2nd n64p, the [InsertNameHere]

mymixed said:
I think you should name it the "mint64" after linux mint.
I think you should change your name to "MyDrywall" after my drywall.
Re: Worklog for my 2nd n64p, the [InsertNameHere]


I have done this expansion pack bend that you are thinking about a couple times for my project that I'm too lazy to make a worklog for. It works fine and I actually got a full 90 degree bend (expansion pack was touching the other ram chips). However, be warned it is VERY easy to snap of the port once it has been bent. That happened to me and I had to resort to hardwiring the expansion pack to the pads that were left after the port came off. If you're confident in your soldering skills, that isn't even that difficult.

Just a side note: You will probably need to grind/file down the front of the port to get a good bend.
Re: Worklog for my 2nd n64p, the [InsertNameHere]

Frozener said:

I have done this expansion pack bend that you are thinking about a couple times for my project that I'm too lazy to make a worklog for. It works fine and I actually got a full 90 degree bend (expansion pack was touching the other ram chips). However, be warned it is VERY easy to snap of the port once it has been bent. That happened to me and I had to resort to hardwiring the expansion pack to the pads that were left after the port came off. If you're confident in your soldering skills, that isn't even that difficult.

Just a side note: You will probably need to grind/file down the front of the port to get a good bend.

Thats actually different then I wan thinking, I was thinking of just bending the ram chip, not bending the whole port, although your idea sounds pretty good too, I might try that.

Also - thanks for the link, Mymixed.
Re: Worklog for my 2nd n64p, the [InsertNameHere]

RAM swap is easily doable with Chip Quik. I can do it, I just made simple mistakes........and I ran out of Chip Quik. :gonk:

If you need tips on doing it, I can help.
Re: Worklog for my 2nd n64p, the [InsertNameHere]

ToastBucket said:
A RAM swap is easier and saves more space. viewtopic.php?f=33&t=628

Also, you can' t fit a board in that case without RCP, kid. This is just about as small as you can get without RCP, and it's about 4.2"x5"
FierceDeity said:
probably gonna RCP
FierceDeity said:
My mobo will just fit if I RCP
Read my post before you comment, I'm not just some noob who wants a small portable. I'm going to RCP wire, those pictures are
FierceDeity said:
My mostly trimmed mobo
I would do a ram swap, but my portable is going to be about as thick as my trimmed expansion pack, so I don't want to do a RAM swap if I don't have to. I might do one if I decide it will make my portable smaller.
Re: Worklog for my 2nd n64p, the [InsertNameHere]

I saw the probably RCP part, but not the second part. It seemed as though you still didn't know if you had to RCP or not, so I was just trying to clarify. And of course, you can do your RAM bendy trick, but I would suggest a RAM swap because the RAM and the expansion pak PCB are prone to snapping now. It's just safer and cleaner.
Re: Worklog for my 2nd n64p, the [InsertNameHere]

Oh, I guess I took your other post the wrong way. When I say I'm probably going to RCP wire, I'm going to try it, and if I fail and cant get it to work, then I will make a bigger case than the one I'm planning. Also, like I said before, I might do a ram swap, but if everything else in my case stacks up as high as my bent expansion pack, a ram swap won't help any (my mobo will be at back of my case). The only other benefit of a ram swap is less current draw for the n64.

Also, I have an idea for using a piece of metal that will also be a heat sink that will somewhat reinforce my expansion ram. Hopefully.

Edit: Now I'm tempted to do a RAM swap. I think I'm gonna by some Chipquik and test on some old PCB's. If its easy enough, I'll do it, but I need 2 RAM chips from either a Rev.6-9 board or a expansion pack.
Re: Worklog for my 2nd n64p, the [InsertNameHere]

Yes. Just search for "Chip Quik."

It comes with a tube of flux, bismuth alloy, and some alcohol pads.
Re: Worklog for my 2nd n64p, the [InsertNameHere]

I got back from Italy last night and saw that my PSP joystick and retrobit controller came in the mail. So, this morning I took apart the controller tried to to get the psp joystick working on it, and pathetically realized that a retrobit controller won't work with a psp nub stick. So, I'm going to get a superpad off amazon.

On a side note, I'm going to buy this (found by Frozener) because I don't like the psp joystick very much, so I'm going to see if I like the joystick from it better. Also, it will work with a retrobit.

Lastly, since I can't think of a better name, I going to go with Fierce64.