Eplision NES W.I.P Worklog (beware of my newbishness!)


No Stranger To Love
It's Eplision-NES, I couldn't come up with a unique name.

Well, because nobody makes worklogs anymore, I decided to make one. This is my first project.

First I have the NES.


Taking it apart little by little...actually it only took my about 10 minutes





Got that finished. I tried to get the NES to work without the case initially, but then I figured out that I had to keep the cartridge in a certain position.


I had to stack a bunch of cartridges on SMB3 to get it to connet with the NES properly.


Now I have a couple newbie questions.

Can I use a PS1 screen for a screen?
How can I connect the power source to some rechargeable batteries?
The huge box thing - I can get rid of that, as long as the AV components are working, right? I heard that the box was mostly RF, which I don't use.

Thanks for your time! I'll be updating this periodically until it's finished.
Psone screen, yes.
As long as the batteries are 7v or higher, you can use the 7805 on the NES board. (I think there's one, or is that the snes?)
And, yes, you can desolder the RF box.
If you're making a portable, I suggest you get ben's book off of Amazon :lol:
eurddrue said:
Psone screen, yes.
As long as the batteries are 7v or higher, you can use the 7805 on the NES board. (I think there's one, or is that the snes?)
And, yes, you can desolder the RF box.
If you're making a portable, I suggest you get ben's book off of Amazon :lol:

I'll get the book if I really need it. I can't find a PS1 screen anywhere in town (small coastal town of 14000 people). I check the local VG thrift shop almost every week.
Also, I don't know how to solder at all...
J.D said:
eurddrue said:
Psone screen, yes.
As long as the batteries are 7v or higher, you can use the 7805 on the NES board. (I think there's one, or is that the snes?)
And, yes, you can desolder the RF box.
If you're making a portable, I suggest you get ben's book off of Amazon :lol:

I'll get the book if I really need it. I can't find a PS1 screen anywhere in town (small coastal town of 14000 people). I check the local VG thrift shop almost every week.
Also, I don't know how to solder at all...

The book explains everything-including soldering.
As for the screen, use ebay. Its a godsend.

Hope I helped in some way.
I just picked up a PS1 with a screen over here in California. I'll do a battery mod and it'll be my ghetto portable :mrgreen:
Update time!

I think I found a case.


Not a handheld, 4 controller ports. Not many games support it, but why the Heck not? I can play Gauntlet 2 with 3 of my friends!


Don't call me a noob, I just want to get this region lockout right.

Oh, and my board says "1989 Nintendo". Is this different from the original board?

That is the correct pin to cut, however, you should add an SP-DT switch to turn it on and off (when its off, it should go to GND), because Nintendo became wise to this mod at some point, and made games not work if it was disabled. (only a few games.)

Also, all boards are the same, give or take some capacitor rotation.