Yeah, I realized my mistake after I posted that, since hp is a certain amount of power over time. I figured most people wouldn't see through my silly logic, but you did.
It is a lot of slack, but one link shorter is /just/ too short. It's not that loose anyway, and yes, it is a thick chain. It's #40 roller chain.
Progress? Reading back, I realize I forgot to tell you guys that this thing totally works and is awesome to ride.

I have a GoPro camera, and got some nice shots with that mounting it on the motor and the battery cover. I just need to put together a video. I might do that sometime this week, but don't count on it.
Vskid, just so you know, this whole thing was about $510 -
Battery: $290 off ebay with quick shipping
Board: $100 used off craigslist, had the brakes
Motor: $70 off ebay, but I saw the same one go for $35.
Motor brackets: $50, cause I don't have the tools to make them myself.
Everything else I already had. The battery was $250 before I got impatient, so there's some money you could have saved. The battery would have taken a month to get me, though, instead of a week.