Electrically-Powered Mountain Board

I would have more progress to report but the lazy people at my machine shop still haven't completed my motor bracket order. They claim it'll be done tomorrow.
Mario said:
I would have more progress to report but the lazy people at my machine shop still haven't completed my motor bracket order. They claim it'll be done tomorrow.

ohohohoho i see wat u did thar
Guess what? It wasn't done today! Tomorrow, Thursday, will be the two-week anniversary of when I submitted an order that would take a half hour! Celebrate!

Finally got the brackets today. Here they are:


I just need to cut them a bit so they fit on the trucks correctly, then bend a piece of metal I have for the motor bracket. I'm still waiting on the sprockets from thebigbearingstore.com. The site said it was shipped, but we called them and apparently it was never shipped. Waiting again...
I hope you didnt pay too much for them blocks. They aint exactly beautiful. not that thats an issue, but if i payed to have something fabbed, I wouldnt be happy if they came all scratched up.
Yes I know. And If the piece was clamped and milled correctly, there shouldnt be any. but, at 50$, I would complain. thats actually pretty low for custom fab. Some places wont even talk to you without a deposit of more than that.
I don't know, if I had to wait so long for an order that should have taken so little time I'd have asked for my money back. :/
Yeah, I know it was kinda expensive. The only problem is, I don't have the tools to make those myself. ;_; So, I really had no choice. :?

Bruno, what's wrong with tinypic?
brunoip said:
Linking tinypic :sweat:
I didn't said that. I said fu... ok, never mind.

Tinypic don't allow people from Argentina watch their pictures. But I could saw them using anonymouse.org :wink:
Okay, this project is nearing completion. I hope to have it done sometime within the next week. But of course, don't count on that. :P
My sprockets finally came; I'll get them when I go with my dad this weekend.
Pictures, woo:

I cut a key out of the brackets so they fit on the flat side of the truck. They don't rotate and grab the truck the truck very well.


Motor bolted into the motor plate. I ad to have the machine shop bend it for me. This time, they took it and went out back and bent it, free of charge. That's more like it.

$70 off eBay. It's 24v, 400watts, brushless and has a built in controller. Unfortunately, shortly after winning the auction I saw an identical one go for $45 shipped. :( Oh, well, it's still a decent deal.
You know what would be awesome? Wireless throttle control. Also, could you use the motor as anresistive brake by running it backwards?