Electrically-Powered Mountain Board

Also, I don't understand where the motor is going and what those brackets do. Assembly pic plox.
βeta said:
You know what would be awesome? Wireless throttle control. Also, could you use the motor as anresistive brake by running it backwards?
Those are both bad ideas. Wireless throttle is stupid because of interference and the fact that batteries can die.
Running the motor backwards is stupid because he is using direct drive, so far as I know. You would want a flywheel to take the torque off the motor for that.

As for assembly, It looks to my like the motor mounts under the truck and spins the wheel via a belt. thats my guess.
SS: Don't be silly, of course I have a vice. :P

It would have taken quite a while to do it myself, though, and I couldn't do it as well as a metal-bending machine. Besides, if they wouldn't have done it immediately and for free I wouldn't have had them do it. But I knew they'd feel bad for taking so long with my other order and do that right away.

Beta: Lucky you, I finished the motor mount just today.



I thought I would be able to finish the board this weekend, but I don't have the right chain. Now I need to buy more stuff. :? Luckily, 10ft of #40 roller chain is $20 shipped on eBay, and it's in Long Beach, about 2 hours from here. The brake pad there will be replaced with the other sprocket.
OIC. Sam, if there was a brake lever that could be foot activated, you could still stop with dead batteries. Not that it would really be a problem. Just charge when you're not using it.
Thanks Zeturi! :awesome:

More pictures. Now, all I need to do is solder the batteries to the motor, solder the throttle to the motor, and come up with a throttle system.
I'll probably make a non-inverting op-amp circuit that will take 0-4k from a 10k pot and turn it into 0-5v for the motor.

Oh, and add a chain. That /shouldn't/ be hard, though.


I turned out not needing the circuit because I found a pot that has the range of motion of a normal pot, but only has the resistance in a small range of motion. So, I built a throttle assembly. I need to figure out how to mount it to the hand brake, now.



I tested it with the motor just now and it works great.
Have a wrist mounted brake. I would draw a picture to go into more detail, but I can't draw.
Re: Electrically-Powered Suicide Board

Cool. Looks sturdy and well constructed. Are you actually going to ride this?