ebay sniping

hailrazer said:
mako321 said:
when I do what hail does, more people use sniping sites and headshot me.

No if you do what I do , and someone else wins then they just were willing to bid more. It's quite simple.

If it is a Nes controller and you snipe with 10 seconds left and put in a max bid of $100 I guarantee you will win. :wink:

Unless it's plated in platinum with diamonds for buttons, that is.
hailrazer said:
mako321 said:
when I do what hail does, more people use sniping sites and headshot me.

No if you do what I do , and someone else wins then they just were willing to bid more. It's quite simple.

If it is a Nes controller and you snipe with 10 seconds left and put in a max bid of $100 I guarantee you will win. :wink:

Nope, in this case, you lose. :awesome: