ebay sniping

^^ Signed up just to post that? ^^
Just sniped myself a GBC using Gixen. :awesome:
I'm too lazy to sit at my computer and put in bids.
Mako, if a guy puts in a bid ten minutes before the end for $150, and you set your sniper to bid $149 1 second before the auction ends, guess what, YOU LOSE.

For example: mako321
Argelfraster said:
^^ Signed up just to post that? ^^
Just sniped myself a GBC using Gixen. :awesome:
I'm too lazy to sit at my computer and put in bids.
I liked that Chris Crocker video... :lol:
Bottom line is that autosniping will never help you beat the system in a meaningful way. eBay already has "built in sniping" in the sense that it will always make bids go up to their maximum.

If someone will pay more than you, they win. That is it. :P
Seriously, if you're too dumb/cheap to put in what you will pay the first time you bid, you DESERVE to be sniped and lose.
I see nothing absolutely wrong with using a 3rd party program for sniping. I see all these threads about how sniping is for "Homosexuals" and what not. But what about the people who would like to save some money? Are you going to criticize and ridicule the ones who actually want to save money, so they don't blow 100 bucks on something they could have got for 40? And not all ebay auctions are like, where someone puts in an x amount of money and then you just don't get it. A ton of professional ebay users do use sniping programs like GIXEN, for that exact reason, so they can get stuff as less as they can. I just don't see using it, or wanting to use it merits being called a ""Flamboyant Homosexual"".
Sniping is pointless because eBay bids for you based on your maximum bid. If your maximum bid on an item is $40 and someone else is willing to pay $100 more for it than you are and their max bid reflects that, you're gonna lose, period.

Well actually sniping is very useful and beneficial for the buyer.

see a lot of people on Ebay are compulsive bidders. They bid $10 and leave for a few hours , they come back and see someone outbid them and they get mad and bid $20. And it goes on and on like that until the auction ends. And then the majority of the time they realize they overbid and you never hear from them again.

So what I do is not bid on an itme until the last 15 seconds. I put in my max bid and hit the bid button with a few seconds left.

This avoids the idiots who will continue to bid up an item just because they are compulsive bidders.

And yes I know that I could put in my max bid on the first day, but that never works. Someone ALWAYS will outbid you. Well almost always and then you dont get it for as cheap as you wanted. But if I snipe I almost always get want I want cheap :)
Well, I meant using sniping sites to bid for you was pointless. I use a method like yours, waiting for the last minute to put in a bid and all. However, what I said remins true: if someone's willing to pay more than you and their max bid reflects that, you're gonna lose.
Twilight Wolf said:
Well, I meant using sniping sites to bid for you was pointless. I use a method like yours, waiting for the last minute to put in a bid and all. However, what I said remins true: if someone's willing to pay more than you and their max bid reflects that, you're gonna lose.

Oh yea I agree.

I just try to avoid those moronic "OMG I have been outbid, let me up it one more dollar" retards. (Like my brother) LOL
mako321 said:
when I do what hail does, more people use sniping sites and headshot me.

No if you do what I do , and someone else wins then they just were willing to bid more. It's quite simple.

If it is a Nes controller and you snipe with 10 seconds left and put in a max bid of $100 I guarantee you will win. :wink: