Oh yeah, its a picture time
So far I have video, and audio hooked up. I also have the cart relocated and hot-glued the connections for no shorts or loose wires. Since I don't have batteries yet, I think I will make it wall powered, then later add a battery pack if I or a buyer is interested. My next step is to wire power, and make a rough drawing of what the franken-casing should look like when completed. After that, I can build the case and hope I can fit everything inside. If I can, I will then take everything out and paint it. Also, I have an idea to make a fan that turns on and off based on the temperature inside because my heat-sinking isn't too great. I may, and will most likely, redo it. So still a long way to go, and lots of Bondo to be wasted

But I am on a good path
Heres 2 pics of the whole contraption so far.
Heres 2 pics of the 7 inch screen, great picture quality, bad camera quality
Audio amp, it is a bit large...oh well, since I have a 7-inch screen, I should have room
Controller so far, needs the d-pad section cut and wired. As well as the start button wired too.