
So I started this project last year sometime, I got a second hand one of these dragon toys and decided to try to combine it with an alarm clock (due to the impressive volume of the toy). Now I'm pretty new to hardware hacking but I figured this wouldn't be to much of a challenge... Noob mistake!
So I've got the toy and the alarm both working from the 12v power supply the toy runs on 4.5 volts the clock runs on 8 but the problem seems to be with the switch. Origionally it was an AOswitch which even a small amount of charge can trigger (touching the wire was enough) but the clocks alarm even when silent has power flowing through it so there's no off time for the toy to charge. I figure (with my small amount of experience) I need some kind of 555timer circuit built in but the only one I know how to build that might work runs on a different voltage to everything else... Oh yeah I made this video when I started...