Downing's CNC PCB Test 1


Well-Known Member
So today I engraved my first PCB! Man the designing stage on this took forever and after I got it done, I still didn't have it quite right in terms of the project it's going into. But that's to be expected on a first draft. You get your ideas down, test them, test them again and then refine and test again.

Before using my PCB board I wanted to do a couple test runs on some scrap styrene I had. Was a good thing I did because that allowed me to get my depths and speeds correct.

After I got some satisfactory results with the plastic, I moved up to the PCB board. I'll let the pictures show the rest!





And here is a video with those pics and the whole thing in action. This could really open up a lot of doors, but the key is to get very very good at the software. I'm finding new things out with it every day. But this is why prototyping takes so long and portable building for that matter. Things have to be learned. More coming soon!
