Commission me for a DMG or MGB mod.

from what I gather Bo's work is good, just hoping my Grey DMG gets fixed and all my stuff gets shipped
BoFoSho said:
I have shipped everything there is nothing that has not been shipped besides joey's stuff and gunks commissions.

My stuff has been shipped? Does this mean I can finally start the YoBoy?!?! *Jumps with joy*
BoFoSho said:
I will post it if it is fine with mister shuckle :p
Perfectly fine with it!~ ^_^

I also have some for other pokemon if you like what you see. :p

EDIT: Mind if I have it pro sounded as well? Would my offer still be valid? Is it worth doing?
Bo I kinda need my stuff from you. You said everything was shipped, well it hasn't been delivered. It's been almost a month and I still haven't received my stuff. I don't wanna sound like a douche but I really need those things. I'm giving it till the end of the week. If it's not here I am going to have to file a claim on paypal since it doesn't take a month to ship something in the US.

I find it weird how people were coming to Bo's defense in response to my post, and then for the following 2 or 3 pages, it's people asking when he's gonna ship their stuff. Really weird. :wtf:

Bo HAS been a bit slow in shipping, and he isn't around very often/doesn't keep good communication as to the status on your stuff, but that's all stuff he should and can fix.
I admit I am bad at the communication(telling the status of the item...If it shipped or not) and keeping track of tracking #'s.
Nobble , ok I'll ship another one today and get you the Tracking #.
Ish, What is your problem. You are being a complete asshole.
You could just not post in my thread at all.
Please no more posts ish.
Yes. Resident evil 2 will be sent from ebay because I sent my only copy before , My friend has my other.
Also you couldn't file a claim since you gifted the money :confused:
Hey, Bo, Have you started the painting process yet? Because if you haven't, I'd like to ask about using one of those blue GB pockets as the base instead.