Bo I kinda need my stuff from you. You said everything was shipped, well it hasn't been delivered. It's been almost a month and I still haven't received my stuff. I don't wanna sound like a douche but I really need those things. I'm giving it till the end of the week. If it's not here I am going to have to file a claim on paypal since it doesn't take a month to ship something in the US.
I find it weird how people were coming to Bo's defense in response to my post, and then for the following 2 or 3 pages, it's people asking when he's gonna ship their stuff. Really weird.
Bo HAS been a bit slow in shipping, and he isn't around very often/doesn't keep good communication as to the status on your stuff, but that's all stuff he should and can fix.
I admit I am bad at the communication(telling the status of the item...If it shipped or not) and keeping track of tracking #'s.
Nobble , ok I'll ship another one today and get you the Tracking #.
Ish, What is your problem. You are being a complete asshole.
You could just not post in my thread at all.
Please no more posts ish.
Yes. Resident evil 2 will be sent from ebay because I sent my only copy before , My friend has my other.
Also you couldn't file a claim since you gifted the money
Hey, Bo, Have you started the painting process yet? Because if you haven't, I'd like to ask about using one of those blue GB pockets as the base instead.