Clone compatability rates


Official Hypello of ModRetro
Alright. Post the general compatability rate of any console clone you've bought or collected info about here.

Retro Duo: 97%+
FC Twin: 90%+

That's all I've got so far, havent done any research on the others compatability.
Wouldn't a list of what works and what doesn't make more sense?

Actually, I think I might set up a database. Is there any way I can get a comprehensive list of all nes/snes games?
Here's my idea: People can either up- or downvote a game in terms of compatibility (for a specific system). As long as everyone plays nice, it should work relatively well.
I think it should be like this: Works, sorta works (how and why), and doesn't work (in what way).
Yes, that's a good idea. I guess a comment function would be a good addition. This is starting to sound complicated.
Wasn't there a new model of the FC Twin released recently with 100% compatability?
I seem to remember reading something about that, but have not been able to find one. Also, the new idea in this thread is going to be much better, but much more difficult to gather the information and a lot more time consuming. Therefore, I fully support this new idea :mrgreen:
New FC Twin? I just ordered two of those about a month ago from the US (in case I screw up on one, obviously. Shipping is so high so I figured I might as well order two and save a bit), they shipped it about a week ago (i wait for a month thinking it's the continental shipping, and the guy hadn't even sent it out!)
Kyo said:
New FC Twin? I just ordered two of those about a month ago from the US (in case I screw up on one, obviously. Shipping is so high so I figured I might as well order two and save a bit), they shipped it about a week ago (i wait for a month thinking it's the continental shipping, and the guy hadn't even sent it out!)

Uhh yeah, shipping from the US isn't expensive because you live in Germany. It's just expensive, period. It seems every time I order or try to order something either shipping is a ripoff or UPS charges $20 in "brokerage fees". Seriously, it's almost cheaper to buy things from the Hong Kong, Japan or even the UK. It also takes forever for things to get here. I don't live in Nunavut, either. I'm actually relatively close to the border. Kind of off topic, but I felt like posting.
The funny thing is that shipping to the US is actually fairly cheap.

I wish someone in china was selling FC twins or trios or whatever, I'd be all over that. It's been a week since he said they were shipped, they should arrive sooner or later. I'll document my experiences (and experiments) with the system, of course. Let's hope I can bring some new information to the table (building in a lockout chip, for example.)

Uh, borrowed from BH.
Supposedly, the new FC Twin is 100% compatible.

I have one, but none of the "problem games" to test it with.
it might be more compatible. I have a bunch of pal snes games and some NTSC games. What games are problematic?, I might just have one of them.
Super Mario RPG is sketchy in terms of compatibility. Some people say it works, some people say it doesn't. There's two board revisions, maybe it has something to do with that.