Cheap (broken DD is fine) White Wii


Well-Known Member
EDIT: I already bought one, not accepting any more offers

Hey all, I'm in the market in the mood to mod a Wii while waiting for my GCp to finish up. My only requirements are that it has/is:

Gamecube ports
working usb ports
working sd card slot
able to run without crashing or overheating
I don't care if the DD is broken or not

It can be dirty, cracked, beat up, heck even MELTED, but as long as it works, it's A-OK. Looking at around $15-ish bucks here for a console only, no hookups (unless you wanna give your old pal legofan here a freebie :wink: ). Reply or PM if interested.
I have some earlier ones like rvl-01 I could potentially sell you. Otherwise, I could keep an eye out at pawn shops for a cheap one. PM me and ill see if I can find something for you