Case mounting tips and help?


Well-Known Member
Hay guys,

I'm to the stage or nearly there where I can start putting stuff in the case.

Any tips that can help me to do this mounting successfully?

Also, does the GC have to be positioned in a way so the air goes in from one point and exit from another?
I mean I have air vents on the back of the case it's in my worklog,
Will these be okay for the gc's air flow thing?

Also should I tape the wiikey with PVC tape like the memory card slot a to prevents shorts etc?

Also should I add a barrier of a sort between the screen's motherboard and the GC heatsink/system?

And the batteries should remain positioned in one area (I mean not moving about etc)?
Hot glue is good for stopping things moving about, pvc tape to prevent shorts is a great idea with all exposed wires and such.
Adding a barrier between the screen and system is a good idea and make sure everything is grounded.

It depends on the batteries you have but if they are seperate cells you can mount them anywhere they can fit as ling as there are no shorts and they cant move about.
djstevo said:
Hot glue is good for stopping things moving about, pvc tape to prevent shorts is a great idea with all exposed wires and such.
Adding a barrier between the screen and system is a good idea and make sure everything is grounded.

It depends on the batteries you have but if they are seperate cells you can mount them anywhere they can fit as ling as there are no shorts and they cant move about.

yeah, sure thing :)
thanx for the quick tips, djstevo :)

hot glue is good like you say, but it melts if it is heated or such, as it'll be in my case which can get hot and such. not really a good idea in terms for using on power wires of voltage related :(.

maybe good for keeping things in place, like volume numb, or headphone jack etc.

but, epoxy is way better to protect against heat and lasts longer.

but thanx for the tip anyways :)

also for the Memory card in slot A i have secured it with PVC tape (my favorite) to prevent shorts etc, like you mentioned before. :)

does the wiikey need to be PVC taped swell to prevent shorts? or is pvc tape bad for covering it up with?

for the barrier inbewteen the screen and GC, im thinking of using a layer of cardboard, but it can heat up and catch fire?

or i can use a sheet of Plexiglass i have as a layer between screen and GC.

for the battery pack, i can add underneath it a layer of plexiglass and then pvc tape the packs on it to secure it and stop it from moving about.

this all sounds good?
How hot does the gamecube actually get? Surely not hot enough to melt hotglue ?! :S (If it gets that hot, I hope your batteries don't get that hot, especially if they are Lithium-ion as they violently erupt!!)

Plexiglass would be way better than cardboard as cardboard could possibly capture moisture.
I've not too sure about the wiikey, probably best to put something between it and other components but dont wrap it up completely.

Some components need decent airflow so taping them up might not be the best option (chips + heatsinks and stuff :P).
The GC will get hot enough to melt hot glue, or at least make it so soft it can't hold anything but that's on the heatsink'ed area. for holding in tacts behind buttons, your best bet would be to solder them onto a board and tack the board in place with hot glue. Then, mix up some epoxy and really set the board into place.