
Getting them: Not bad.

First week of having them: Pain.

Getting a chain: TURRIBLE.

Never had to have bands.

Wear your retainer, I didn't wear mine for like 3 days in a row, a year after I got them off, and they moved and hurt like crazy. I'm only supposed to wear it at night now, but most of the time I forget. Heck, I don't even know where it is right now.
Ive had them now for 2 Years.

Tips: I almost never wore my rubbber bands, he took me off of them, but it looks like they didnt do their job. So us them.

Chains are terrible. Hurts like heck. I found eating hot soup and cool liquids relived pain.

I had to get 4 teeth removed...That was terrible. Thats where the soup and liquids cam into play Though

You can at popcorn gum etc no sweat, it works well for me

Good luck man.
Yeah most foods they say are off limits should be okay, just no real hard stuff. The only thing I broke a bracket on (two or three times? can't remember) was beef jerky. I'd stay away from it while you have braces.
You'd be surprised. Something like that wont do much (maybe to your teeth), but some little chip or popcorn piece can cause total devastation. But i still eat them anyway.