

Well-Known Member
I just got them, :( for me.

Anyway, talk about your braces experience. I will document my pain and sorrow here. XD

Update: Got them on about 1 hour ago, have yet to hurt, will update further
QuickSkop3 said:
I just got them, :( for me.

Anyway, talk about your braces experience. I will document my pain and sorrow here. XD
My DS got stolen the day I got braces.

Life lesson time: Wear your rubber bands if you get some. I didn't and my braces were eventually removed. My teeth are currently almost as bad as they were before.

EDIT: Mine hurt initially for a short while, and I never had to get them tightened. Other than that, they only ever hurt again when I got two extra brace things on my rear molars and the glue didn't stick. I had the ends of the wire prodding at my inner cheeks. Did not feel good, man.
Basement_Modder said:
tip- wear your retainer. Those teeth move fast.
I forgot this tip! I also never wore my retainer. It only took half a day without my retainer for my teeth to shift back into normal position. I have no idea how they are ever supposed to stay in place.
I had braces for a little over two years. Got them removed this last August. :D

You will be sore. It's totally bearable, though, and you'll get used to the pain within a few days. Until then, take an ibuprofen (or two, depending on how uncomfortable it is) every few hours if you need it. You should also take one before getting your braces tightened. Trust me, it helps a lot. Also, eat softer foods until you feel ready to go back to a normal diet.

Speaking of such, I'm sure you got the whole lecture about not chewing gum and all that. B.S. I chewed gum all the time with my braces (in addition to eating popcorn, peanuts, etc.), and I never had any problems. Just don't chew any gum for a day before you go in (same with eating popcorn) and they'll never know. Heck, I was at the orthodontist once when someone else was getting their braces on and the ortho was telling the person she was working on what a good example I was. XD

One thing I had problems with occasionally was canker sores caused by the rubbing of the brackets against my mouth. If you feel any bracket rubbing against your mouth, put a little ball of wax on it. You should've gotten some from your orthodontist, but if not, or you got some really flaxty silicone-based stuff that's impossible to use like I did, go to the drug store and pick up a pack. It helps so much.

Finally, when you get your braces tightened, always make sure you don't have any wires poking you, and if you do, let them know before you leave so they can take care of it. Two extra minutes to alleviate a month of discomfort is totally worth it. Also, like Jewjo said, wear your rubber bands if you get them, and make sure you know where they're supposed to go. I usually didn't wear mine for a day or so after getting worked on since my teeth would be too sore for that, but after that, I wore them as I was supposed to. No problems.

EDIT: Yes, wear your retainer like you're supposed to when you get them off. I speak from experience. Besides, if you wear it like you're supposed to, you don't get all lispy-sounding from it not fitting right. However, I usually leave it out for the day if I'm going to a water park or somewhere it could easily get lost forever.
Braces suck, but you'll get used to the whole thing after a while. I've found that after a tightening/adjusting, it hurts for a day and feels weird (but doesn't hurt) for a few more days. Elastics are a pain in the ass and I only wore them at night; my teeth are fine. I never used wax. I ate popcorn and all the stuff you're not supposed to eat. I only brushed once a day. My dentist Segaed but I still don't have cavities. Due to a screwup, I had braces on for three years instead of one and a half. After that, I wore my retainer every night, never wore it all the time and my teeth are at least mostly in place. They say brush it, but I just drop it in a cup full of Scope and water. Tastes a bit funny but works. Now I've had my "permanent" (hah) retainer bar (on the lower teeth) removed and have a top and bottom retainer- I have to wear them once a week. The top one I've had for ages and is fine, but the lower one hurts like Heck when I wear it. Lastly, floss threaders are a godsend. Buy them in case lots, unless you plan on reusing them (which is really hard because they are cheap flax).

TL/DR? At least put in a half-assed effort. Wear your bands and retainer at night, at least.
Ya, its starting to hurt now, so I just took some tylonol and ate dinner.

Thanks for the tips, and yes, I got the wax.
Invisalign can be just as flaxty, from what I've heard.

Also, gross, wax isn't necessary? Maybe if you're very lucky and never have your brackets rub against you. I don't know anyone who has or had braces who didn't need wax at least every now and then.

Also, Joey, you may not have them now, but don't worry, you will. :p
Twilight Wolf said:
Invisalign can be just as flux, from what I've heard.

Also, gross, wax isn't necessary? Maybe if you're very lucky and never have your brackets rub against you. I don't know anyone who has or had braces who didn't need wax at least every now and then.

Also, Joey, you may not have them now, but don't worry, you will. :p
nah, didn't need the wax. And I even played a brass instrument.
Twilight Wolf said:
Invisalign can be just as flaxty, from what I've heard.

Also, gross, wax isn't necessary? Maybe if you're very lucky and never have your brackets rub against you. I don't know anyone who has or had braces who didn't need wax at least every now and then.

Also, Joey, you may not have them now, but don't worry, you will. :p

I've had that happen, but I've found wax is more trouble than it's worth. It feels and tastes odd and either melts or falls off pretty quick. Of course, I might have had the cheap crappy kind.
I'm on my 3rd set of braces :rolleyes:. Wax is one of the greatest things for braces. As for rubber bands and retainers WEAR THEM. Yeah, they will make your teeth hurt but only for a few days at most.