Black Wii's

Yeah, they've been available for maybe a month or so now, though they were announced two or three months ago.

You just might not have seen any until now as I'd assume they're hot sellers.
Ive seen them since release, and it doesnt look like they sell to much to me. I mean, doesnt everybody and their cats own a wii by now?
the plan from the beginning before the wii was released and was still called the "Revolution" was to have different colored consoles. kinda sucks that it took them this long to implement this.
also when the Wii was first shown it was the Black casing that they showed.
Yeah I remember seeing pictures of them and stuff but I've just never seen one in a store before. Personally I prefer the white one.
grossaffe said:
Are black Wiis bigger? Once you go black, do you go back?
somebody should sig that. it is wonderful. :awesome:

and, of course, it must be true. how could nintendo break mother natures rules? black is always bigger. :dahroll: