Beta spills the beans

Looking good. So it seems you are using the space you cut :mrgreen: . Just remember that you need space for the wires. Most people make that mistake and in the end need to modify the case. Always make sure you have some space to play with.

MAKE IT NOW!!!! I want to see the smallest n64 portable!! :twisted: If you don't I will :P
I didn't even bring my modding stuff home with me for the Summer. I should hold a tiny N64 contest. I want to see this done, badly.
That cut looks Dang small. I'd like to see this with a built in flashcart. That would be sick.
Ashen you just read my mind. I have a project coming up which will be a n64 inside the first gba advance case with a flashcart. If Marshal's becomes available in that time that is the cart to go with otherwise it's gonna be the neo myth.
I look forward to it! I have been withholding this information since about a week after MRCT, Which was what, almost a year ago. I never got around to doing this, and I finally decided to bring this all open source instead of keeping it to myself. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
βeta said:
I look forward to it! I have been withholding this information since about a week after MRCT, Which was what, almost a year ago. I never got around to doing this, and I finally decided to bring this all open source instead of keeping it to myself. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

wooo open source

few months later....

Beta: fuuuuuuuuuuu
Luckily for me this is old news as I already started awhile back. My gamecubepocket get's full priority at the moment so after that it's on!!

I believe it's better to share info when it has been fully tested. That way less people will make mistakes and ruin their consoles. But still good stuff on sharing :D
I've been planning to do a tiny n64 since the tsfource came out. But I've been neglecting the cube so much, I think I'll at least do that first and then make a 64 "smaller than yours"

Although with zenloc in the competition it'll be a tough race.

Also a competition might not work so well, it would have to be regulated, like features and things like that, and that just takes the fun out of building something.
bentomo said:
I've been planning to do a tiny n64 since the tsfource came out. But I've been neglecting the cube so much, I think I'll at least do that first and then make a 64 "smaller than yours"

Although with zenloc in the competition it'll be a tough race.

Also a competition might not work so well, it would have to be regulated, like features and things like that, and that just takes the fun out of building something.

eh it just sounds to me like its ganna be an informal "everyond mod their asses off" competition that is ongoing.

Basically, its King of the Hill in portablizing form. No king lasts forever :twisted:
yeah a compitition wouldn't work that well. Everybody should just make a tiny n64 and we'll see who get's the title of smallest n64 portable maker. Like Tchay says. Nobody can stay king forever!! :twisted:
If you used the one-ramchip N64, you could fit an N64p in the same space as Stella (iPod touch packaging)
Don't forget you can still rewire the left side of the CPU and remove quite a bit more board.