BellaKazza's Custom Sword and Shield! (Pictures Inside.)

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BellaKazza said:
Twilight Wolf said:
Honest question: Does he have a disgusting mind or does the have the mind of a typical teenager? :P

The only reason you're getting criticism is because most of us think your claims about what you made are outlandish and unrealistic. I doubt what you made could stand up to a Cold Steel blade like you claim. :/

I said COLD STEEL TRAINING SWORD, Do you know about the Cold Steel company is? They make training swords as well as other things.
And I have one, And I tested it against my custom training weapons and they stood well against it. ... 2BKHNH.jpg

This is what I'm talking about.

Woah woah woah! Please, stop flaming each other! If you'd just read my post, you'd find what I recommend you do. Just calm down buddy! Flaming gets no-one anywhere.
Perhaps I should also mention your having such a nasty attitude about this is pissing everyone off. You're very arrogant and simply won't accept what we tell you, even though we're only trying to help, and when we get frustrated by your nastiness, you blame us. :wtf:
TheNineRings said:
BellaKazza said:
Twilight Wolf said:
Honest question: Does he have a disgusting mind or does the have the mind of a typical teenager? :P

The only reason you're getting criticism is because most of us think your claims about what you made are outlandish and unrealistic. I doubt what you made could stand up to a Cold Steel blade like you claim. :/

I said COLD STEEL TRAINING SWORD, Do you know about the Cold Steel company is? They make training swords as well as other things.
And I have one, And I tested it against my custom training weapons and they stood well against it. ... 2BKHNH.jpg

This is what I'm talking about.

Woah woah woah! Please, stop flaming each other! If you'd just read my post, you'd find what I recommend you do. Just calm down buddy! Flaming gets no-one anywhere.

I saw your post and it was very helpful, Thank you, That is the kind of constructive criticism I need.
I will be sure to try and implement your advice.
Twilight Wolf said:
Perhaps I should also mention your having such a nasty attitude about this is pissing everyone off. You're very arrogant and simply won't accept what we tell you, even though we're only trying to help, and when we get frustrated by your nastiness, you blame us. :wtf:

I never had a nasty attitude tword anyone who gave me helpful advice.
All YOU gave me advice wise was " Make it look better".
You just have to be mature enough to roll with the punches. And, trust me on this, weapons that you yourself have made, you're going to be biased as to how sturdy it is. Combine that and it's your first "sword", you don't have any previous experience making them, thus you wouldn't have any knowledge about what would actually work.

Take that and the fact that making your weapon look better will actually make it more effective and useful, and you've got some useful advice. Trust me on this, appearance matters when you make weapons. If it's all lumpy like yours, then it won't work as well. It's good advice.

Most of the people here are cool, and want to help out. Just take their advice, and things should generally work out.
Do something for us all, okay? Prove to us that what you made can live up to your claims. Post a video of your sword taking on a Cold Steel training blade and prove your claim is merited. Then maybe we'll believe you. The thing is, though, if you made something that good, then why not go the extra mile and make it look nice? It'd be that much more impressive.

Until you prove us wrong definitively, I stand by what I said. Your claims about what you made are outlandish and unrealistic. You're comparing a sword made by an amateur out of PVC and duct tape to a training blade made by a reputable company like Cold Steel.
Twilight Wolf said:
Do something for us all, okay? Prove to us that what you made can live up to your claims. Post a video of your sword taking on a Cold Steel training blade and prove your claim is merited. Then maybe we'll believe you. The thing is, though, if you made something that good, then why not go the extra mile and make it look nice? It'd be that much more impressive.

Until you prove us wrong definitively, I stand by what I said. Your claims about what you made are outlandish and unrealistic. You're comparing a sword made by an amateur out of PVC and duct tape to a training blade made by a reputable company like Cold Steel.

There is a METAL ROD reinforcing my swords OK, It is not just PvC pipe, That broke, And it is still there somewhat.
BellaKazza said:
Twilight Wolf said:
Do something for us all, okay? Prove to us that what you made can live up to your claims. Post a video of your sword taking on a Cold Steel training blade and prove your claim is merited. Then maybe we'll believe you. The thing is, though, if you made something that good, then why not go the extra mile and make it look nice? It'd be that much more impressive.

Until you prove us wrong definitively, I stand by what I said. Your claims about what you made are outlandish and unrealistic. You're comparing a sword made by an amateur out of PVC and duct tape to a training blade made by a reputable company like Cold Steel.

There is a METAL ROD reinforcing my swords OK, It is not just PvC pipe, That broke, And it is still there somewhat.

You directly stated that it is hollow, and rather thin. That is not good reinforcement, it dents and bends easily and becomes fragile when heated and cooled quickly. Also, please remember who you're talking to. He's a moderator, show some respect.
If you're that confident of its strength then prove it to us all. Like I said, make a video of it taking on a Cold Steel blade like you said it can.
TheNineRings said:
BellaKazza said:
Twilight Wolf said:
Do something for us all, okay? Prove to us that what you made can live up to your claims. Post a video of your sword taking on a Cold Steel training blade and prove your claim is merited. Then maybe we'll believe you. The thing is, though, if you made something that good, then why not go the extra mile and make it look nice? It'd be that much more impressive.

Until you prove us wrong definitively, I stand by what I said. Your claims about what you made are outlandish and unrealistic. You're comparing a sword made by an amateur out of PVC and duct tape to a training blade made by a reputable company like Cold Steel.

There is a METAL ROD reinforcing my swords OK, It is not just PvC pipe, That broke, And it is still there somewhat.

You directly stated that it is hollow, and rather thin. That is not good reinforcement, it dents and bends easily and becomes fragile when heated and cooled quickly. Also, please remember who you're talking to. He's a moderator, show some respect.

Why should I let him push me around just because he is a moderator.
Twilight Wolf said:
If you're that confident of its strength then prove it to us all. Like I said, make a video of it taking on a Cold Steel blade like you said it can.

Then I will, And I will prove it.
First, I'm not pushing you around. That's all in your head. I'm trying to explain to you why we're getting frustrated with you and your attitude when all we've done is offered advice. If I wanted to push you around, trust me, I have the means to do so far more than just typing things.

Secondly, I will wait for this video. I don't expect it to happen, but I will wait for it.
Kindly stop double posting.

Also, T_W is certainly not pushing you around, and it is unwise to say silly things like that. After all, you never know when the god-king may be watching. He does not appreciate his servants being attacked, and would likely feed you to his pets.

Long live the king!
samjc3 said:
Kindly stop double posting.

Also, T_W is certainly not pushing you around, and it is unwise to say silly things like that. After all, you never know when the god-king may be watching. He does not appreciate his servants being attacked, and would likely feed you to his pets.

Long live the king!

god-king? Oh you must be talking about Palmer and Shock, Right?

If not, Who are you talking about and what do you mean?
samjc3 said:
Of course not! I speak of the one and only true king, may his reign never end.

Oh, That is who you are talking about!
Indeed, Indeed, Praise God!

I think I should just leave this site and not post my creations anymore.
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