BellaKazza's Custom Sword and Shield! (Pictures Inside.)

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Twilight Wolf said:
His point is that he is a samurai/blacksmith and thus would totally be qualified to criticize your work.

Good sword crafter yes, Being a samurai is debatable.
But I still have not seen any criticizing of my work, Besides the "l :".
BellaKazza said:
J.D said:
Make something good and people won't say your flux sucks.

I don't really care what you think, My weapons are good in my eyes and they work, They get the job done.

Fair enough; the criticism by others isn't really called for. As long as you're not claiming your work is that of a blacksmith god, then you're all good.
BellaKazza said:
Twilight Wolf said:
His point is that he is a samurai/blacksmith and thus would totally be qualified to criticize your work.

Good sword crafter yes, Being a samurai is debatable.
But I still have not seen any criticizing of my work, Besides the "l :".

Yep, I made flax like yours when I was like. 9?
βeta said:
BellaKazza said:
Twilight Wolf said:
His point is that he is a samurai/blacksmith and thus would totally be qualified to criticize your work.

Good sword crafter yes, Being a samurai is debatable.
But I still have not seen any criticizing of my work, Besides the "l :".

Yep, I made flux like yours when I was like. 9?

I think I need an actual description on why my swords are bad, Rather then "It's flux, Durr.".
Granted they are not the best and are not better then yours, But if I'm ever going to get better I would like reasons on why they are bad.
They are bad because they are not anything near to real weapons and you are touting them as such, and they appear to be built with the remains of a sex-fest between a roll of duct tape and a paper towel roll.
Bush said:
They are bad because they are not anything near to real weapons and you are touting them as such, and they appear to be built with the remains of a sex-fest between a roll of duct tape and a paper towel roll.
And flaccid dick.
I will say this: If you're going to use duct tape, do it right. Looking at the "sword" I can definitely see room for improvement in that regard. I'd say peel it all off and re-apply it, but this time, make sure it's done neatly and with no wrinkles. That'd make it look much better.
Bush said:
They are bad because they are not anything near to real weapons and you are touting them as such, and they appear to be built with the remains of a sex-fest between a roll of duct tape and a paper towel roll.

I am making them out to be training swords, Not real swords, I CANNOT TRAIN WITH REAL SWORDS.
I think you can't come up with better reasons so you just insult me instead.

Duck tape is a reliable source to use for the building of TRAINING WEAPONS.
I have an idea, Come up with REAL viable reason as to why they are bad and I will take your comment into consideration.
Look at samjc3's comment, It was helpful and constructive.

Twilight Wolf said:
I will say this: If you're going to use duct tape, do it right. Looking at the "sword" I can definitely see room for improvement in that regard. I'd say peel it all off and re-apply it, but this time, make sure it's done neatly and with no wrinkles. That'd make it look much better.

That is helpful and all, But, That is all cosmetic changes.
BellaKazza said:
Bush said:
They are bad because they are not anything near to real weapons and you are touting them as such, and they appear to be built with the remains of a sex-fest between a roll of duct tape and a paper towel roll.

I am making them out to be training swords, Not real swords, I CANNOT TRAIN WITH REAL SWORDS.
I think you can't come up with better reasons so you just insult me instead.

Duck tape is a reliable source to use for the building of TRAINING WEAPONS.
I have an idea, Come up with REAL viable reason as to why they are bad and I will take your comment into consideration.
Look at samjc3's comment, It was helpful and constructive.
First off, you used DUCT tape not DUCK tape. Second, if you had said it was a training sword in the title I would have expected a training sword. Instead you made me expect something different. You were not specific as to what I was looking at and that was the source of my "touting them as such" comment. Also, you should be criticized for the appearance of the flaccid dick; it looks as though you spent little time and effort on it, so what positive comments were you expecting? If I tape three things together I dont make a thread about it. Finally the reason Im being an ass is to encourage you; I assure you I mean well. Perhaps, with anger against me you shall make another set of weapons worthy of appreciation and make me look like a hipocrytical jackass.
Bush said:
BellaKazza said:
Bush said:
They are bad because they are not anything near to real weapons and you are touting them as such, and they appear to be built with the remains of a sex-fest between a roll of duct tape and a paper towel roll.

I am making them out to be training swords, Not real swords, I CANNOT TRAIN WITH REAL SWORDS.
I think you can't come up with better reasons so you just insult me instead.

Duck tape is a reliable source to use for the building of TRAINING WEAPONS.
I have an idea, Come up with REAL viable reason as to why they are bad and I will take your comment into consideration.
Look at samjc3's comment, It was helpful and constructive.
First off, you used DUCT tape not DUCK tape. Second, if you had said it was a training sword in the title I would have expected a training sword. Instead you made me expect something different. You were not specific as to what I was looking at and that was the source of my "touting them as such" comment. Also, you should be criticized for the appearance of the flaccid dick; it looks as though you spent little time and effort on it, so what positive comments were you expecting? If I tape three things together I dont make a thread about it. Finally the reason Im being an ass is to encourage you; I assure you I mean well. Perhaps, with anger against me you shall make another set of weapons worthy of appreciation and make me look like a hipocrytical jackass.

I spelled it wrong, Sorry for being human, I guess I neglected to mention that these were training swords in the description, Again my mistake, It only reason it has the appearance of a "flaccid dick" is because you have a disgusting mind, There was nothing done on my part to cause you to think that way, I spent a copious amount of time working on these, And you demeaning me and insulting me does not help anything.

By the way, I think you do the jacka** part on your own pretty well.

If you really meant well then you would give some real points as to why my sword is bad rather then writing, "Oh, You just taped three things together and it looks like a dick.".
Honest question: Does he have a disgusting mind or does the have the mind of a typical teenager? :P

The only reason you're getting criticism is because most of us think your claims about what you made are outlandish and unrealistic. I doubt what you made could stand up to a Cold Steel blade like you claim. A sword made by an amateur out of PVC and duct tape vs. a training blade made by a reputable company like Cold Steel? Come on. :/
Bush said:
I keep trying to but you deny my points each time.
Because your points are cosmetic, You want me to change the look.
"Forget toughness or durability, If it looks bad it obviously sucks!
Makes perfect sense!
Twilight Wolf said:
Honest question: Does he have a disgusting mind or does the have the mind of a typical teenager? :P

The only reason you're getting criticism is because most of us think your claims about what you made are outlandish and unrealistic. I doubt what you made could stand up to a Cold Steel blade like you claim. A sword made by an amateur out of PVC and duct tape vs. a training blade made by a reputable company like Cold Steel? Come on. :/
Alright here, you want training weapons? I'll tell you training weapons.

For one thing, if you're making a training weapon, you still want it to be able to withstand impact. I know this from experience. The materials you've constructed it from will not be able to reliably withstand impact. Combine that and the fact that you're using extremely fragile pieces to make something and you believe that it is sturdy, and you're going to have problems. Also, bokken are not that curved. That's curved more like a shamshir, which does not accomplish the same effect.

When I make a training weapon, here's what I do. In spring when the sap just started flowing, I go out to a forest and find an appropriate hardwood tree. Typically the type doesn't really matter, as long as it is hardwood. I typically use poplar. The kind that the wood is greenish. It's cheap, easy to find, and fairly effective. Well, it's easy to find based on the assumption that you're living in North America. You'd have to find an alternative if you don't.

Remove a branch that is lightly curved, around 3 1/2 feet long, and is 1 1/4 inch in circumference. You can use longer, but that results in more work. Immediately after removal from the tree, remove all of the bark from the branch with a very sharp whittling knife, recently sharpened, non serrated. During this phase is when you shape the sword. Where the "handle" of the sword would be, roughly 8" long, and make it somewhat flatter on two parallel sides. Also make the blade angle up to a point on the last inch. Make certain this is slightly, as you don't want to accidently impale somebody. You HAVE to do all of this in one sitting. Otherwise it'll be less durable.

After this, store the blade indoors until it is no longer moist to the touch. If you allow it do dry in the sunlight, it'll make the sword much more brittle, and basically worthless. Drying it indoors makes it so the inner section of the wood doesn't crack and dry up in the sunlight, becoming fragile. You don't want that.

After the blade dries, you should sand down the blade, so that it's got an even curve. Afterword use wood stain on the blade, giving it an even coat. This'll make it look nice. Afterwards polish the bokken to a gleam. This mimicks the slick surface that metal provides, and also makes it sturdier yet. You can train properly with this blade, AND use it as a lethal weapon for blunt force trauma. And if a zombie attacks you can just impale it through the eye sockets with the tip. That would work.

If you're too much of a wimp to use the sword properly, you can take one of those foam pipe covers and duct tape, cut it in half, and make an improvised cover for the sword. It'll make it bulkier, and you won't be able to use it nearly as well, but it can help prevent broken bones. Shouldn't be hard for you to figure out something that simple.

Something you'll notice about my method is that it doesn't include a guard. That's for two reasons. 1( Guards are HARD to effectively put on the design. Also, traditional bokken didn't have guards. If it's good enough for them it should be good enough for you. 2( You'll become better at deflecting and parrying if you know that it'll hurt if you don't have anything defending your fingers.

Also, NEVER leave the bokken outside. That causes horrible wear and tear on the weapon. When fighting, angle the "blade" so that the "cutting edge" would not hit the other's "cutting edge" directly. If you were using real swords, that would put nicks in your weapon, and that causes problems. Best to tackle bad habits before they begin, right?

And as for shields... I've never tried to make shields. Always just found a single sword to be effective enough for me. Less variety of attack, but more agility with the blade and force to your slice. Although, ideally the katana wouldn't need a huge amount of force to cut clean through your foe. If you learn to slice properly it'll glide through the foe, and you won't have to "jerk" the blade once to get all the way through. It'd follow an arc, no angles involved.

Hope that advice helps!
Twilight Wolf said:
Honest question: Does he have a disgusting mind or does the have the mind of a typical teenager? :P

The only reason you're getting criticism is because most of us think your claims about what you made are outlandish and unrealistic. I doubt what you made could stand up to a Cold Steel blade like you claim. :/

I said COLD STEEL TRAINING SWORD, Do you know about the Cold Steel company is? They make training swords as well as other things.
And I have one, And I tested it against my custom training weapons and they stood well against it. ... 2BKHNH.jpg

This is what I'm talking about.
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