Beginning Modding

Hi! I am new here and am new to modding! I want to eventually be able to make a gamecube portable but it sounds like I should start off easier and work my way up there. To let you know, I have 2 gameboy colors, one game boy advance, a falling apart DS, a gamecube and an xbox 360. Please let me know some beginning things or if you can some links or something to help me get started. And also I would like to know the tools necessary for this type of thing! I would really appreciate it!

Thanks!! :dahroll: :D
i think you should start with front lighting your gameboys or something like that. that's probably the easiest thing to do, to start with.
Cool! I will look into that. I also heard about the clock thing for the gbc to make it speed up.

Edit: I was wondering if someone could show me a guide to either the lighting for the gbc or the clock thingymabob!! :dah:

You should probably start with a 360 laptop. Those aren't too bad, just a bit pricey in parts.
or just mod your x-box to have lights and stuff in it and make a window to see inside
well that's what i did to mine anyways
Sorry for advertising, but if you want to frontlight a GBC I'd be happy to sell you a frontlight. I bought it and ended up not needing it; might as well get it to someone who wants experience.
What frontlight is it?
The first time I went to frontlight my gbc the gba sp frontlight ripped.
Might wantz.
Also it's iHackedit from benheck just so ya know :dah:
Remember you should pick up the soldering iron from the not hot end else you will get hurt.(There are hot, just put som e ice or something over it.)Overclocking GBC are as easy as replaycing the crystal thing.(Look for marcan from the the wii hacking community to see when game crash from speed.(His youtube channel marcan42.)) Good Luck with your projects. :D