Batteries, yay~


Well-Known Member
I'm getting four 7.4v 2200 mAH li-ion batteries (with charger) from omgitsthebishop over at BH. $15 for them sounds amazing, considering they're like $35 each at some stores.

From what I've seen, they look like this:

Most likely camcorder batteries with their own protection circuits.

My question is if I were to use these in a portable (wired in parallel for 8800mAH), how would I go about recharging them? I don't want to do them one at a time, but I've heard it's not recommended to charge them all at once while wired this way. Suggestions/explanations?
Take them all out of their cases and take two of the protection circuits and wire them in parallel. Diagram coming soon.
4 post delight anybody? Newest revision:

I think you will have to use all of their protection circuits because you're adding in parallel, not series, I could be wrong though.
bacteria said:
eurddrue said:
Take them all out of their cases and take two of the protection circuits and wire them in parallel. Diagram coming soon.
Covered this in one of my PDF guides if you are interested: here
Eh, what? :? I already got the diagram finished ;)
Alright! Got the batteries. They're beautiful and small. Now then.


Before I start cracking these things open, wiring them this way leaves me with two leads, correct? I then wire these leads as if they were one battery, correct?

I'm just looking for confirmation on every step I take with my projects until I've got the hang of it, so I don't waste expensive parts on easily-avoided mistakes. Apologies if I get obnoxious in doing so.
Yes, it will work :mrgreen: And the very best thing about it is your batteries can be spread all over your portable and you won't have to build your case around your batteries :D