ModRetro Legend
I've been thinking of writing a guide to basic electronics. It will have a section on basic components and a section on more advanced stuff, like regulators and ICs. It will also have a section on finding parts, designing circuits, soldering, etc. It wouldn't be a blah blah blah thing, it would have a bunch of experiments to go through with a breadboard. Now, what should I add? I'm gonna put in things like resistors, diodes, LEDs, transistors, capacitors on the basic section. Now the advanced section I don't know. Voltage regulators for sure, maybe logic gates too. I need some more ideas on what to put in, like what would you want people to learn.
Also, I want to know if anyone is interested. I know it would be good for newbs, but would anyone else care? And you more advanced people, I might want some contributions.
Also, I want to know if anyone is interested. I know it would be good for newbs, but would anyone else care? And you more advanced people, I might want some contributions.