AV problem

i am using the proper power and av cords that came with the n64 and i took all of the wire going to the slot relocation out and re did the whole process. i hooked it up to a tv and i am now getting less results than before, nothing even shows up on the screen now, but a little bit showed up last time but the n64 is on i have tried a restart and everything but there still seems to be a problem. Does anyone
know anything i could do or try?
put in the exspanshon pak mai fwend sorry for the lolcat talk but if does not work then you're n64 is fried
Terrible advice.

You can't just say "oh it doesn't work it must be fried."

There are a million other fixable problems that it could be.

Easiest way to tell if the console is fried after a relocation is take off the heatsinks and plug in the console with no cartridge or av plugs or jumper or expansion pak and see if the rcp gets really hot within 12 seconds.

SS says that works for him, I assume he's right as he's, you know, ss.
:dahroll: hey guys 1 main prob with av as was also the prob with my snes i had is that the n64 av cord has been having issues. now i use a gamecube av cord for the 64 and it works perfectly. oohh my snes broke to :cry4: