Automated wiikey switch? IT'S ALMOST WORKING


Frequent Poster
Isn't it possible to make a normally closed circuit out of transistors, triggered by a 555 time with a single pulse?

To replace the physical switch of the wiikey. So that when you turn it on it's ready to boot?
Re: Automated wiikey switch?

EDIT: Use this diagram: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=8054&p=106331#p106331

Ok, here's the good stuff:
Original Diagram - Only works as a normally open switch
This should work great! Just make sure to test it on a breadboard first and then perfboard it up!

For those who like to read:
This will probably work well. It's a power on delay circuit. So when you turn it on, It will wait a second before turning on:
Then you could use a power off delay circuit after the power on:
This should work. However, you might need to test some things. Also, I have never wired up a wii-key so maybe you can just hold down the switch as soon as it turns on. Maybe it needs a delay before you press the button. Maybe you can only hold it down for a few seconds. Maybe I'll try it one day!

- mymixed

P.S. Here's the website:
Re: Automated wiikey switch?

Dang, it's so tempting to get into the GameCube scene.
Re: Automated wiikey switch?

Thanks bentomo! I'll check it too, maybe tomorrow :D. Also, you could just use a 556 - two 555's in one! I have a few of those. They're at ratshack.

- mymixed
Re: Automated wiikey switch?

That's a great Idea. Too bad I don't have a wii-key to test it :(.
Re: Automated wiikey switch?

MM, the wiikey has to be constantly grounded, when it's open is the switch, then it goes back to ground, Does that circuit pull it up to 5 volts then ground it again?
Re: Automated wiikey switch?

So I've been working with this and as far as I can tell you cannot use a PNP as a normally close switch. What I'm thinking is to use a 555 timer to produce 1 square wave of any kind then just trigger an npn to turn on or off with a not gate if needed to use as the switch.

I just can't figure out how to program a 555 to put out a single pulse and then go back to high or low.
Re: Automated wiikey switch?


I've got a monostable 555 timer going into a 555 not gate and that's giving me an off then on state, with the npn transistor this will work, however, I need a way to delay the monostable circuit from starting as soon as it turns on. A capacitor is not working as well on the trigger line as I'd like it to.

Currently after the trigger the wave on the monostable goes high immediately and then goes low, like this though the wiikey switch won't work.

I need it to delay about 5 seconds until the gamecube boots, so the switch will work.

The switch lasts for about 1.5 seconds with my current configuration, theoretically this will work as soon as I can figure out how to delay the monostable circuit, maybe trigger it off something on the gamecube, like the screen powering on or the audio, but I'm not sure so far.

It's almost there, c'mon guys!
I have noticed that if you leave pin 29 unconnected to ground before you power up and rhen connect it after a couple of seconds after power in that it alsi ativates the wiikey.

You should try setting the 555 timer chip to activate after 5 sec after it powers on.

give it a try :mrgreen:
Well, final verdict, with this system the wiikey switch is just too sensitive to work with a 555 timer. I even tried just using a not gate with a tactile trigger, so I at least didn't need a special tactile switch, unfortunately even that doesn't work. It's very finicky like that and just doesn't want to be stable at all, so for now, using a special tact is the best option.
XCVG said:
Funny you mention that, I messaged him last night via Steam with the same idea.

There're a couple of ways you can do it with a relay, one is to get a delayed relay, the other I was thinking is to have a 555 set to a certain frequency with a NOT gate, and have a relay switch off the 555 whenever it outputs its first square wave, that way you get the delay and then a straight pulse.

Of course, relays are a tad clunky.
Re: Automated wiikey switch?

bentomo said:
however, I need a way to delay the monostable circuit from starting as soon as it turns on. A capacitor is not working as well on the trigger line as I'd like it to.
(if you do use that) You can use resistors to slow the charge to the capacitor, to time it. no clue on the rest.