Audio amp : lm4863


Active Member
Hi !
It has been a while since I last posted (2 years I would say :lol: ), but I'm back to finish my GCp.
I have mostly finished all my plans, but I was wondering if anybody ever tried to do a custom audio amp based on a LM4863.
It is a very tiny component (4*5*0.8 mm) with full 2.2W loudspeakers and headphone modes.
I'm actually designing a PCB for this amplifier, and I think I can take it down to 1" squared.
The problem is : I cannot do the PCB myself as the vias are 0.25mm wide and close :confused:
If anybody has experience with it, I'll gladly accept any tips.
Furthermore, who would be interested by such an amplifier ? As I cannot do it myself I'll probable ask a professional to do it, and maybe command 20 or 30 PCB at once.
For those who would be interested in such a PCB, please note that the LM4863 will probably need an external sink : has I take the PCB to a minimalistic size it will get hot (maybe 80°C ?).
Thanks ;)
Dang, that is tiny :eek:

I can't really help you, sorry. But I just wanted to ask why you would want to make an audio amp so small? I guess you just want to see how small you can make it?
Ahah :lol: , actually I'm trying to make a very thin GCp, my aim is typically a PSP fat (just a few millimeters bigger). So in my case every millimeter I can spare count a lot. I want it 177*79*25 mm (psp fat is 170*74*24mm). It is hard to put the whole gamecube in such a small case but may be doable according to my 3D models. Anyway space is running out and the audio amp is the last piece really missing to my puzzle :lol: If I manage to do such a small amp I'm pretty sure my plans will work, but if I can't... I will certainly have to make the whole gamecube much bigger :cry: