I want to know what is going on inside the ps file in this thread. Is there something i dont know that is in there? Whats in that file!!!! I dont have photoshop so I dont know. viewtopic.php?f=33&t=9817
Once you open this in GIMP, you can use the buttons on the layers window to show/hide layers and create guides for various things, such as trimming on both sides and voltages.
Or just like, get Photoshop because it's the industry standard for a reason. You can download the trial and then work some magic that I'm not going to get into here.
It's not off-topic because if he's going to install an image editor, he might as well install the best one, and I'm giving my opinion on what the best one is.
If it deviates too much from the original topic then I'll split it.