ALHDCLTOAN (AfroLH's DreamCast LapTop Of AwesomeNess)

Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

You do realize that you have to make a keyboard, right? That's something like 100 tact switches, all with buttons on top, and a lot of rewiring.
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

XCVG said:
You do realize that you have to make a keyboard, right? That's something like 100 tact switches, all with buttons on top, and a lot of rewiring.

Yes I know, which is why I am not doing the section thing.

Deff will be in my next one though. :awesome:
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog


GAH, I'm too Dang busy playing Resident Evil: Code Veronica to actually do anything. :sweat:

:rofl: Just Kididng!

This update is pointless but I thought I would do one anyway:

samjc3 should be sending the screen sometime soon. ( :D Thanks Sam!)
I have wired the picoPSU like I need it. Just need to solder it to the Dreamcast.
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

Basement_Modder said:
If you wanted to make it really cool, you could only have a section of the keyboard lift up to expose the disk drive. All the keys on that could be on tact switches/ equivalent to make it thin. I always wanted to do that one day on a 360 laptop, but offer the idea up to you.
Aside from all the ridiculous work that would go into wiring up all those tact switches, I can't imagine a tact-switch keyboard would be very easy to use.
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog


i would be tempted to attempt rewiring the keyboard. juts cut tthe section you want to lift out, and rewire the section out the bottom.
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

:cool: Final Design:


So as you can see I made a few changes. The biggest one being the addition of a Keyboard that covers the Disk drive, and the addition of a Modem.

Sorry to dissapoint you with no work done, but I can't work on it until I get that screen from sam and my $200 battery.
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

J.D said:
$200 battery?????

Nice design, BTW

Yes, $200... :cry4:

Its this Battery:
I need that one due to the DC's high Amp rate.
This will give me about 2-2 and a half hours of play time.

It was either that or get a Higher Voltage battery and step it down to 12V, but since that is usually very inefficient I decided to get this battery.

Mario's Voltage and mA thread on BH said:
These measures are for a 5,500 mAh battery and a LED modded PS1 screen with volume @ 50%..........

....Current draw: Use a PicoPSU. The power source for it must be 12v and able to supply 3.25A.
Approximate battery life: 1.5 hours

And thanks! :awesome:
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

$200 though? Owch...this is one expensive project.
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

J.D said:
$200 though? Owch...this is one expensive project.
Pretty Much.

But Good news: I was "unofficially" Offered a job at my school in the ITS department. :awesome:

Bad News: Won't happen until next year. :cry4:
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

Thanks Drue!

Edit: The First one Ended, and the second one would still run me $100.
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

eurddrue said:
AfroLH said:
Thanks Drue!

Edit: The First one Ended, and the second one would still run me $100.
Last I checked, $200>$100...

REALLY? I always thought that $100=$200. :wink:

I was just saying that it is $100. I wasnt complaining. :cool:
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

The first battery pack (batteryspace) is a ripoff. If you buy the PCB and cells separately you can put it together yourself way cheaper. And it has a step-down regulator in it anyway, so you might as well just pipe the rae 14.8V into your regulators. Or go with a 7.4V 2-cell pack and pipe it through some TI cards like Bac did.
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

Or go with a 7.4V 2-cell pack and pipe it through some TI cards like Bac did.

I'm not doing it like Bac did it. The whole reason I need a 12V is because I am not doing it like Bac is.
That is because with the PicoPSU I can save loads of space and not really have to worry about heat issues.

The picoPSU is way more reliable anyway.

Also, Bac really hasn't done anything Groundbreaking. His method has been used since the first DCp. Sorry to burst a few bubbles.
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

Okay, so you are using a picoPSU. If it will run off a 3-cell pack (11.1V), that's probably better. It should be fine with a 4-cell pack (14.8V). But as I was saying, it's cheaper to buy the PCB and cells and solder them together yourself, and the 12V part is just a normal step-down regulator. TI makes a beefy 6-amp module that you can get for free that would do exactly the same thing.

Sorry to burst YOUR bubble after you burst mine. :pirate:
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

Too bad I didn't have a bubble :P

I was looking for places to get loose Li-Po Cells.
I need 4 3.7V to get 14.8V. I also need the Capacity to be at least 10,000 mAh.

I was pricing on Battery Space and all of that plus a PCB would run me around $60-70.
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

AfroLH said:
Too bad I didn't have a bubble :P

If you don't have a bubble, then what did I just stick my push pin in? :shock:

AfroLH said:
I was looking for places to get loose Li-Po Cells.
I need 4 3.7V to get 14.8V. I also need the Capacity to be at least 10,000 mAh.

I was pricing on Battery Space and all of that plus a PCB would run me around $60-70.

Unfortunately for that much capacity that's probably what it will cost. You might be able to get a little bit cheaper, but not a lot. Then again, maybe you're better than me at finding deals.