ALHDCLTOAN (AfroLH's DreamCast LapTop Of AwesomeNess)

Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

Update Time:

My DC VGA Box just came in the mail today. I tested it out on my computer, and it looks beautiful.

I also have decided not to go with a tray loading drive, due to that fact that I cannot figure out how to get it to work properly. It will also save money as I will have to put the drive on the top.
This means, unless I have enough room, there will be no Keyboard :cry4:

But all in all everything is going great.

I just need that screen from Samjc3 and then I'm off. :awesome:
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

themadhacker said:
Why did you buy a vga box? you can make one for only a few bucks.

Becasue it has Composite and S-Vid out.
Its a really sick little device!
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

AfroLH said:
themadhacker said:
Why did you buy a vga box? you can make one for only a few bucks.

Becasue it has Composite and S-Vid out.
Its a really sick little device!
the dreamcast can already output S-vid and composite.
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

grossaffe said:
AfroLH said:
themadhacker said:
Why did you buy a vga box? you can make one for only a few bucks.

Becasue it has Composite and S-Vid out.
Its a really sick little device!
the dreamcast can already output S-vid and composite.

And VGA :wtf:

The point of the box is that It all comes in one small package.

Just trust me, I know what I'm doing.
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

If you want to keep a top-loading drive but a keyboard, too, here's my idea: Make the keyboard the disc drive cover! Basically, you just lift the keyboard up and you'll have access to the drive; close it, and the lid sensor switch detects the drive as being closed.

Here, let me post some crappy MS Paint drawings to show you:



Think you could use something like that?
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

about the screen, im going on vacation, but i will probably order a replacement while im on vacation, then ship it to you whan i get back. :wink:
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

samjc3 said:
about the screen, im going on vacation, but i will probably order a replacement while im on vacation, then ship it to you whan i get back. :wink:

K Bro!
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

If you wanted to make it really cool, you could only have a section of the keyboard lift up to expose the disk drive. All the keys on that could be on tact switches/ equivalent to make it thin. I always wanted to do that one day on a 360 laptop, but offer the idea up to you.
Re: AfroLH's DreamTop Worklog

Basement_Modder said:
If you wanted to make it really cool, you could only have a section of the keyboard lift up to expose the disk drive. All the keys on that could be on tact switches/ equivalent to make it thin. I always wanted to do that one day on a 360 laptop, but offer the idea up to you.
this idea is win. :dahroll: