AfroLH's SNESp of Awesomness


Frequent Poster
Ok, So I am making a SNESp.

FC-Twin Hardware
JB-55 Case from Polycase.
5" PSone Screen
Li-Ion Battery

I am going to post a mock-up of it later today.

These are the current Features:
Homemade Case
5" PSOne Screen
Li-Ion battery

I am going to keep all of my original post for historic purposes.

Fixed the colors, but the rest of it is still horribly out of scale. Like the design though.
If those proportions on the design are accurate, this will be one sweet portable!
hailrazer said:
XCVG said:
Fixed the colors, but the rest of it is still horribly out of scale. Like the design though.

If he's using the FC Twin controller then his colors were correct :wink:

Those colors are LAME! SFC buttons FTW!
It's not meant to be proportional.

I'll do a proportional sketch later.
This is just a quick mock up.

Also, I am America,
I am gonna use American buttons,
Deal With It. :cool:
Ya Rry

Also Update:

I am making my own case now.

It will be made with one of these methods:
1. Plastic Walls/Aluminum Sides
2. Vacu-Forming

I refuse to Franken Case.
I want a good-looking portable, not a crappy bondo'd POS.
You should have rectangular speaker grills flanking the screen that are the same height.