$5 Reward To Get My SNESp Working


Well-Known Member
So yesterday was my big day- My first portable was finished! The KOPSNES (Kind-Of-Portable-SNES) was ready to roll... For about five minutes that is, and then it promptly died.

I'm using Ben Heck's "SNES Portable Hand-Built" as a project template for my SNESp, and I finished it up yesterday. I wanted to get the thing up and running as fast as possible (which I now see was a bad idea), so I decided to leave the audio and shoulder buttons unconnected for the time being. I screwed it together, flipped the switch, and the familiar F-ZERO title screen showed up. Life was good, I was cruising in the Falcon without any tether to a console. After about five minutes, I, satisfied with my work, proceeded to take the SNESp apart to add audio and shoulder buttons, which went smoothly. Everything is back together, I hit the switch.... And nothing. "Oh, these old game consoles!" Unmount cart, blow on cart, remount cart. Still nothing. In a panic, I took the darn thing apart AGAIN and desoldered everything from the SNES board except video, +5v, and GND from the PSOne screen. Still. Nothing. I'm at a loss now, if I can't get this thing fixed in the next week I'm most likely going to try my luck in the junkyard.

Here's what I think might be the problem:

- I inserted the cart backwards twice on accident, but it still worked afterwards.
- My portable is VERY squished, to the point that it doesn't close all the way.
- Something is shorting out on the SNES board, but I only soldered to the audio chip before it   stopped working, and I've quadruple checked that none of those pins are shorting.
- Rewiring all the capacitors makes me think that they are the problem, but none are shorting     or loose.

I did have a layer of thin (0.5mm) plastic between the PSOne LCD and the SNES mobo to protect from shorts, it that plays a part anywhere in my story. Anyway, if someone can come up with a solution that works for me, I'd be happy to drop a 5 into their PayPal :wink: . Thanks!

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I am getting +5v to the console when I turn it on.
If things stopped working when you added parts, take those parts off and recheck your wiring. Test them independently on their own power supply to verify they work. Could you be pulling too many amps from the regulator?

Take the additional components off and check to see that the circuit works as it used to and test the parts on their own as I said. Most likely something is pulling too much power or is poorly connected.

Process of elimination.
Bush said:
If things stopped working when you added parts, take those parts off and recheck your wiring. Test them independently on their own power supply to verify they work. Could you be pulling too many amps from the regulator?

Take the additional components off and check to see that the circuit works as it used to and test the parts on their own as I said. Most likely something is pulling too much power or is poorly connected.

Process of elimination.

Right now I have it connected to a 5v 2.1A supply (I removed the regulator), with ONLY right audio and video connected, and I'm getting zero output. Not sure what else to remove...
Remove everything to how it was when it was working. You said the audio was connected so don't keep it connected. Make sure the original circuit works first.
Removed audio, no dice. It's so frustrating because it's showing all the signs of life, warm CPU and +5v where they should be >:( .
Weird, disconnect your psu and let it rest for a bit. It could be fried ir something could be shorting. Check your connections without applying power, clean up any suspects and try again without audio.
Sure thing:


I know the AV pins look terrible, but only the grounds are connecting together.