Well-Known Member
So yesterday was my big day- My first portable was finished! The KOPSNES (Kind-Of-Portable-SNES) was ready to roll... For about five minutes that is, and then it promptly died.
I'm using Ben Heck's "SNES Portable Hand-Built" as a project template for my SNESp, and I finished it up yesterday. I wanted to get the thing up and running as fast as possible (which I now see was a bad idea), so I decided to leave the audio and shoulder buttons unconnected for the time being. I screwed it together, flipped the switch, and the familiar F-ZERO title screen showed up. Life was good, I was cruising in the Falcon without any tether to a console. After about five minutes, I, satisfied with my work, proceeded to take the SNESp apart to add audio and shoulder buttons, which went smoothly. Everything is back together, I hit the switch.... And nothing. "Oh, these old game consoles!" Unmount cart, blow on cart, remount cart. Still nothing. In a panic, I took the darn thing apart AGAIN and desoldered everything from the SNES board except video, +5v, and GND from the PSOne screen. Still. Nothing. I'm at a loss now, if I can't get this thing fixed in the next week I'm most likely going to try my luck in the junkyard.
Here's what I think might be the problem:
- I inserted the cart backwards twice on accident, but it still worked afterwards.
- My portable is VERY squished, to the point that it doesn't close all the way.
- Something is shorting out on the SNES board, but I only soldered to the audio chip before it stopped working, and I've quadruple checked that none of those pins are shorting.
- Rewiring all the capacitors makes me think that they are the problem, but none are shorting or loose.
I did have a layer of thin (0.5mm) plastic between the PSOne LCD and the SNES mobo to protect from shorts, it that plays a part anywhere in my story. Anyway, if someone can come up with a solution that works for me, I'd be happy to drop a 5 into their PayPal
. Thanks!
EDIT: Forgot to mention that I am getting +5v to the console when I turn it on.
I'm using Ben Heck's "SNES Portable Hand-Built" as a project template for my SNESp, and I finished it up yesterday. I wanted to get the thing up and running as fast as possible (which I now see was a bad idea), so I decided to leave the audio and shoulder buttons unconnected for the time being. I screwed it together, flipped the switch, and the familiar F-ZERO title screen showed up. Life was good, I was cruising in the Falcon without any tether to a console. After about five minutes, I, satisfied with my work, proceeded to take the SNESp apart to add audio and shoulder buttons, which went smoothly. Everything is back together, I hit the switch.... And nothing. "Oh, these old game consoles!" Unmount cart, blow on cart, remount cart. Still nothing. In a panic, I took the darn thing apart AGAIN and desoldered everything from the SNES board except video, +5v, and GND from the PSOne screen. Still. Nothing. I'm at a loss now, if I can't get this thing fixed in the next week I'm most likely going to try my luck in the junkyard.
Here's what I think might be the problem:
- I inserted the cart backwards twice on accident, but it still worked afterwards.
- My portable is VERY squished, to the point that it doesn't close all the way.
- Something is shorting out on the SNES board, but I only soldered to the audio chip before it stopped working, and I've quadruple checked that none of those pins are shorting.
- Rewiring all the capacitors makes me think that they are the problem, but none are shorting or loose.
I did have a layer of thin (0.5mm) plastic between the PSOne LCD and the SNES mobo to protect from shorts, it that plays a part anywhere in my story. Anyway, if someone can come up with a solution that works for me, I'd be happy to drop a 5 into their PayPal

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I am getting +5v to the console when I turn it on.