Re: I told myself I wouldn't make a thread for this one, but
Minor updates. I have been busy with school, but I now have a deadline - January second! I am going to enter an Instructable on this portable and enter it into the Epilog Challenge to try to win a Zing laser cutter!
Instructables is only accepting entries until January second, so I need to hurry.
No pictures for now, but hopefully soon.
I got the cart slot cover painted grey with primer, and I am leaving it that color. I think it looks good.
I got the A, B, C, and joystick holes drilled out on the front. (Related - ever try a unibit? They are AMAZING!)
I ordered a sample of a PTH08080 and PTH08000 from Ti; they arrived today. My batteryspace batteries also came and an expansion pack I ordered from eBay.
I was going to get 5000mAh batteries, but they were out of stock.
I had to get 3600mAh batteries due to time and space restrictions.
Later I may buy 5000mAh batteries and replace them. We shall see.
I'm just waiting on my N64's from jleemero; then I can really get started.
EDIT: Where'd I get the name? Simple. This is my third N64 portable. 3 -> 64.
Minor updates. I have been busy with school, but I now have a deadline - January second! I am going to enter an Instructable on this portable and enter it into the Epilog Challenge to try to win a Zing laser cutter!

No pictures for now, but hopefully soon.
I got the cart slot cover painted grey with primer, and I am leaving it that color. I think it looks good.
I got the A, B, C, and joystick holes drilled out on the front. (Related - ever try a unibit? They are AMAZING!)
I ordered a sample of a PTH08080 and PTH08000 from Ti; they arrived today. My batteryspace batteries also came and an expansion pack I ordered from eBay.
I was going to get 5000mAh batteries, but they were out of stock.

I'm just waiting on my N64's from jleemero; then I can really get started.
EDIT: Where'd I get the name? Simple. This is my third N64 portable. 3 -> 64.