3 mobo wiring commission?


Frequent Poster
All of the modders I PM'd are too busy right now, but I was curious if any of you out there were willing to make some nice cash to do 3 GC wiring commissions for me. I'll only work with an established member who does clean wiring, who works fast, and uses epoxy.

I would mail you all the parts (trimmed board, TI regs, resistors, caps, wiikey, mem card, controller, component cable, etc). You would simply wire it up. I'd need it completed a few days after you received the parts in the mail.

The pay would be pretty good. I don't lowball. If I can't find anyone, I'll just do it myself. But I'd like to work on Project P these next few weeks, instead of these motherboards.

Looks good!!! Okay I'll mail you all the parts today. You have 2 days to wire up all 3 boards after you receive the parts. We can discuss payment via PM. I use paypal only.
hahahaha when i read this i laught so hard my pc sreen blow up lol but going to the point i do a neat job but theres one thing i hate most and that is wiikey ribben cable mod and am never doing one ever agian so i can do it but only if the wiikey is ready to solder if not dont even pm me ( no ofense desired)
I wouldn't let that guy do it, I've seen some pretty shoddy work from him. He'll probably take the money and run.