3.5" TFT


Active Member
I'm having a problem with my screen...

It's this screen:
http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0680367262

(That particular auction, too.)

Anyway, I had a friend come over who had a working n64 so I could test my stuff today, and at first the screen didn't start up at all, I was kinda worried - it turned out the batteries just weren't charged (what I was running it off of) so I plugged in the charger, the screen waited 10 seconds then started showing the video from his n64 - the game was Star Wars Episode 1 Racing, and it wouldn't show the start where it displayed info about the expansion pak, and the logos of the producers - it was just black, but it did show the first cutscene view it showed of the pod racing under an arch or tunnel or something, then when it should have gone to the main menu, it went black again. Plugging it into my normal TV it looked fine, everything worked. Even at maximum brightness, I got the same thing - didn't test it with any other games, though.

I'm hoping it's just a matter of voltage or something - the batteries weren't charged very much, etc, etc, or maybe it was just that game, but has anybody had a problem like this with said screen?
Plug your video into the Video 1 jack (if there's white and yellow, it's the yellow one. If there's two yellow, it's labeled.) What it does is it first looks and detects video for jack 1, and if there's nothing, looks in jack 2. There's a significant delay for jack 2.

Sony, I've got 3 of those screens and one of the finned ones from hail's review. All work. Excellently. What voltage are you running them at, amperage, etc.?
I've got a set of 2 2200mAh 7.4V bp-511 batteries wired in parallel, fully charged. I'm using jack 1. Have you tested all of these screens on an n64? Apparently that's what people (on other forums) have had troubles with - works just fine with some devices, not with the n64.
I used this kind on YAP64 and have the same one (with a different board inside) that I'm going to use for Leet64. Both work for N64. The old one would power up with a blue screen when power was applied and work with either input. The new one doesn't power up until an input is applied and works better with input 1. Not very useful now, but maybe for future reference.