2011 Game Releases


#1 Female Member
What are you excited for? What looks like flax?

Personally, I am uber excited for Mass Effect 3, TESV Skyrim, and The Last Guardian, all of which I will be preordering ASAP, at the highest level of collectors edition for all 3.

Additionally, portal 2, Batman: Arkham City, and Rage look pretty awesome. Oh yeah, super scribblenauts too.

EDIT: Bioshock Infinite looks epic, and I feel stupid for forgetting it in my first list.
samjc3 said:
Oh yeah, super scribblenauts too.
You mean that one that came out TWO MONTHS AGO?
It's fun.

I'm looking forward to Rage and Portal 2, big *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing time.
Portal 2? I am disapppoint, but it was to be expected. Basically more of the same. I was hoping for a Half-Life tie-in, maybe some portaling adventure in post-apocalyptic wastelands. But then it wouldn't be Portal, would it?

I am excited for ME3, though. I hope they brought back some of the elements they stripped away. I really gotta finish ME2, by the way.
I for one am happy that Portal is basically the same because it stands out as a unique and fun experience in a sea of generic brown FPSs.

I do, however, very much look forward to the expanded gameplay options and the co-op. They're exactly what Portal needs to stay fresh while maintaining the same core gameplay and fun. :D
Portal 2, definitely. I thought the first one was only okay, but the second one seems to be a MUCH better experience overall by what I can tell from the videos. Also, co-op.

Guild Wars 2. This game will make my entire life, hands down. No questions asked.
Portal 2
Duke Nukem Forever (hopefully?)
Psychonauts 2 (hey we can dream can't we?)

Celestrial Brush on the DS screen, it's going to be awesome.

Hope it gets a sequel on the 3DS.
TES V. The game is on entirely different engine then Oblivion and Fallout 3/Vegas so it won't suck massively.
J.D said:
TES V. The game is on entirely different engine then Oblivion and Fallout 3/Vegas so it won't suck massively.
Not that gamebryo sucks at all. Its actually an excellent engine, if a little stale, after 4 almost identical iterations with minor changes.